Argument map demo

Because Argument: Flat Earthers are wrong 84% true Rate your belief Strongly Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly How certain are you of this belief? Highly Doubtful Medium Certain Highly Give rating
if and then 1: flat Earthers believe earth is flat 61% true Rate your belief Strongly Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly How certain are you of this belief? Highly Doubtful Medium Certain Highly
2: earth is not flat 3: Flat Earthers are incorrect 1.1: understandable from the name
people should be informed of it.

Earth is not flat if and then 1: flat Earthers believe earth is flat 2: earth is not flat 3: Flat Earthers are incorrect 1.1: understandable from the name Flat Earthers’ are incorrect.

Our belief that Argument maps will be net positive 84% true Rate your belief Strongly Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly How certain are you of this belief? Highly Doubtful Medium Certain Highly Give rating
if  and then 1: Definition of net positive 61% true Rate your belief Strongly Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly How certain are you of this belief? Highly Doubtful Medium Certain Highly How impactful is this to the the above claim? No impact Irrelevant Unsure Relevant Crucial
2: The score is 50%+ 3: Arguments maps are net positive 1.1: The desirable outcomes of time in Universe 1.1.1: Well-being for humanity
is why we develop them