
In the rare case that I would be unable to continue working on the following projects (ex. through sickness/death/other priorities) I believe it would be good for the world for somebody else to continue on this work. Therefore, I am regularly updating this page with the documents I am working on, in the spirit of open, impact-driven collaboration.

Impact Disclaimer: Please keep in mind I been doing this work to create a better world for humans, without any compensation. For the project you decide to work on, please consider the impact it has on the well-being of humans and other sentient beings, whether short-term or long-term. Please don’t support totalitarian regimes or exploitive capitalism (ex. addictive internet products) but please support impactful-capitalism (using capital to speed up development of uplifting technology) and others products you believe help mankind. Now, for the documents themselves:

General notes & Requirement specifications (Updated 2019-12-13)

Lots of scattered ideas, here is all the behind-the-scenes of my work of argument maps. If you read it you might find something useful.

It’s based on { } with lots of line-breaks, so I would suggest copying this text to a code editor, ex. Visual Studio.
low-prio responsive design of boxes Show all button logics { If summary+hints then { hide closer for level1 (circle) + level2 (text-hint) on hover level 2, show level 3 } If only summary, then { show level1 { when hover, show level 2 and level 3 when checked, show a closer “-” } hide level 2 { show when level1 get checked } } If everything { Show level 2 and level 3. Hide level 1 closer. Show closer for level 2, when hover an open-paranthesis } Input all { Should only be possible to check 1 at a time. How? Maybe a script that says if that one is checked, uncheck others. Same as currently running { How can new design be made? Keep design, just uncheck another } } Classes { summary_hints {default. hide level1_trig, show level 2 + set summary_hints, everything to no. } only_summary {hide level2, show level1_trig + set summary_hints, everything to no. } everything {hide level1_trig, show level 2, level 3, level 4, level 5 etc + set summary_hints, everything to no. } } } Document Structure { One document to rule them all? Content { Brainstorming Structured Requirement specification ToDo items { easy list, can be tagged with commas. hard to sync to calendar so have to read through all things. maybe easier using todoist? } } } netlify { hosting free } check out OmniFocus and switch from Todoist google – export todoist to omnifocus google – omnifocus iphone OmniFocus note { onboarding { rather than a “guide how-to”, when first interacting with app, show why things are happening (an itneractive tooltip as soon as user-interaction happens) } cons { todoist got 3 priorities. omnifocus got 1. should have unlimited. } general comment { missing feature { x-y graph of importance/urgency (omnifocus only got 1 flag, although got tags/projects that are usable) } } } Robert + Erik brainstorm { niche for MVP { idea: meeting notes { ex. feature mvp: meeting notes, sync ToDo to other “todo-app of choice” ex. target audience people who use lots of voice and text } idea: brainstorming session with ToDo:s involved { automatic context-view of a ToDo } idea target audience: product managers + project managers integrated { few good Product-Management tools available. none that sync with project management } idea low probability: code-commenting software? get git code and review { ex. feature: code-expanded from comments. clickable links } general use case: helps people keep in creative writing-flow as able to specify anything as ToDo, ToGoogle, OpenQuestions, ResearchTopic etc and all those items come up as ToDo. } feedback: descriptive task-names solves most context-USP maybe: mvp is difficult to find users. when have many features, will be 10x all other CMS-related applications (todo apps/task managers, word-processors, project managers etc) } long-term version idea { self-record video and have video-transcribe. so can ex. create todo from video. see the video-snippet from where the idea came from (10s). } ToDo drafts today { reference another todo { before !go for grocery shopping! #google best washing powder } ? reference another Note-item, ex. a paragraph or text-selection. quote.. } Req spec definitions { mvp will need to use @!#? etc but in future versions will be a parser that understands input, ex. “tomorrow”, “before” and if matching any of all the added ToDo items } : Look into QUIP. Only other is OneNote. Huge opportunity on notes+todo combined. Paragraph in multiple documents { Says “this paragraph is used by several views, if edit it will edit globally. Make fork to create local version IF embed, not multiple? maybe embedded content have a background (blue/gray) with a View-icon (angled <> like fullscreen icon) in top-right. look at forking-structure of github. } – todo Expandable content should have “expand-all” buttons to be really useful, in the beginning the user make choices ex. show all definitions / show easy to read first and hard to read in paranthesis, or opposite Use case Expandable is ex. transcribed audio-recordings, podcast-notes, long papers. just show the main quotes. desireable to also have comment/(multi-)quote summaries Edit2: if main quotes, expand-button should show the original quote both before and after, with only one button click. the orginial become bold and stay in its original position, while text show up before and after. q: how should button for expand both before and after look? idea: in sidebar button with tiny border floating left with ; “Expand “icon arrow up, down””? Use case Expandable: Meetings, first set an Agenda – then takes notes under it. Desireable two tags as children h2: conclusion and h2: related notes. Q: how different than dynalist? maybe that elements become reusable? however, dynalist have great global-search filtering aswell.. q: how should re-usable content function? Ability to choose which to be default and which to be in paranthesis between easy-read and technical first (difficulty-reverse function) Use case: social blogging 2.0 { be able to share notes via wordpress in a cool format (inline, or easily tag access-levels on a paragraph). this is a really good use case for mvp as well. plus gives impact easily. } Maybe use case early { like todo, but a schedule of social media posts – with the image and the caption – and a schedule to copy & paste – or maybe open in desktop and post. especially if linkedin/twitter/fb, can post via desktop and insta maybe also. first just copy & paste, later also a browser plugin for (semi-)automate } Decision, Certainty5: if no documentname use the first h1. design like wordpress, ability to click above – but by default just write the first h1. OrigQ: need to have documentName, since just h1 wont work – can be multiple h1s. Use case: tab {} () all mean children. ?Converted to >? a: for mass-users do (), however its slightly grammatically wrong. what will use-case be when the () actually just mean paranthesis? should it support both () and {} ? Decision Feature: Like todoist if something is looking to be labeled, ex. “tomorrow”, but user click on it and do Backspace, then remove the tag. same if ?typing a question? and backspace, just type it unformated Idea Feature: Headers dont matter when got child/Parent and { indent or linebreak} Such important feature: Level expand. Ex. “Close all except level 1” DesignThink: Desirable that a header can be linked to another one. { Ex. the header “Relations between items, Titles, Paragraphs” to be linked to titles “context search” and “Maps UX” Could be in sidebar, show arrow(s) to related headers and those headers in small font. have button for expand the viewport of the graph-view, or maybe expand it on hovering that part of sidebar Design: Graph-view 100% height, 50% width. Detail-markdown view 100% height, 50% width. Draggable 20/20% width/height for one and 80/80% for other (ex. top right/bottom right pane with graph/text-view) } DesignThink: related to above: How relations between paragraphs beyond parent/child? ex. a custom defined relation. { Related: Link between notes When typing ex. !ref a drop-down search shows up with all existing Entries. User can click one and a link is created, shown as the name of that Entry. The URL path is the document-path ex (wn4kegjn-34mnri5) of that entry so if EntryName change link remain, however the URL name is the EntryName. } Desirable feature: Content-templates (ex. habit logs, journals, meeting-notes) { UX: Button “+” for create, and button “+X” for create with pre-filled template (inspiration: Word/Google docs create from template) Content in journaling, both text-based and ranges/questions/checkbox Ex. How many gram meat did you eat today? What was the key moments of today? Did you meditate 10 minutes? Idea for later: Also possible via voice. The app reads the question and user answers via voice. If the app has low certainty in text-respond, the app ask again, or verifies the answer with the user. Ex. Habit tracking { Had an 8-scale urge to eat junk-food, after having a argue with my boss Template Had an X #urge to #eat junk-food, #after having Comment: MVP can have require-to-follow-template exactly, while future versions got a better parser and NLP. } Can also leave things empty in the habit-tracking template. } Mini-Feature Ux: On the ToDo today, in the bottom have a button “show this week” and button above “past due” DesignThink: Merged labels / Sub-labels { Think: how to make strength/certainty/doubt in labels? just 1-10? or other thing than labels.. ToDo labels can be urgency/importance. MergeView should be able to easily sort or have visualization (ex. If 2 parameters, show in 4 boards -XY, XY, X-Y, -X-Y). This solves lots of prioritization, however only on 2 metrics. 3 metrics can be in a 3d-graph. more than that would be harder.. maybe google: 4d graph. also google 3d graph. “4 axis” } Likely technically-difficult feature: Outline interactivity: { Would be nice to be able to change HeaderType (h1-h6) via Outline/ToC, by ex. Pressing Tab or Tab+backward, and it becomes one level less/more, and all Children update too. Also nice to drag & drop in Outline and the content of that header changes in the document. (When drag & drop in Outliner, the content re-structures) Outliner hide/show also affect document In a long document, should be able to hide, show content based on which titles you want to have open, like Zoho Navigation Bar. If hide things there, they get hidden from documents too (only document with a tab-down button in shown) } Example content tagged: Requirement spec features { #stack or #risk or #estimation and #use-case #user-group or #demand or #uniqueness or #version } ToDo Design Decision 1) Idea: table (multiColumn) 2) Todoist (1column) with tags below and “show more of context” { ToDo ; Tags (Filter) ; Context [ ] Write Memo ; Meeting 2019-02-24, @Erik ; Action points we dec… > } {Concept maps { help to answer { focus question(s) which { are Context dependent. e.g. { social personal } } } and.. represent { Organized Knowledge { which is needed to answer { Focus question(s) } which is { context dependent } which is necessary for { effective teaching effective learning } is comprised of { propositions { which are Units of meaning { constructed in Cognitive Structure } } Concepts { connected using Linking Words { used to form Propositions } } } } } }} Conclusion: Concept Maps can’t be written in text like this – they need be displayed in their full scope. Maybe ToDo feature: alert about a note { Ex. Alert me of this note at 2019-XX-XX 10:37. Send a notification with ring-tone at that time. } Maybe ToDo feature: Time-tracking when starting to work on a ToDo, how long it take { Sync with time-tracking app of the whole operating system where time is spent. Offer automatic Journaling template filled with amount of the items where time been spent } Question: load content via command, could be via new pane search-result? { ex. writing and want to open window-pane and load all content #note-app, #version>alpha, #feature>sync. } Maybe conditional on/off save editing history { new paragraphs can be saved with hashtag #edit-{date} if just a small change, doesnt need to be saved. perhaps user can check/uncheck a box, or hold a key (ex. ctrl) to make paragraph/large edits not-save UX like Zoho save edit/not? } Life plan: Maybe forget about the whole CMS / SEP thing and focus directly on Argument Graph. This is the big invention, the long-term plan and the secret sauce. Argument map solutions { Features { Related statements to a question (Ex1) Argument-relativity { All things considered { Feature: Unconsider an Argument { Feature: most unconsidered (ex2) { (Ex2) Unconsider “God created Earth (Undefined: 0.2% likelihood)” } } } All related arguments are weighted on metrics, ex. relevance/importance } Defining arguments (Ex3) } Metrics { strength relevance easiness (easy-to-read) { from { Reasoning { completeness correctness logic evidence alternatives } Communication { clarity format } }} } Example { (Ex1) Is sugar more dangerous than aspartam? { Related: sugar is more dangerous than aspartam {All things considered, 73%} Related: aspartam is more dangerous than sugar {All things considered, 27%} (Ex3) sugar is more dangerous than aspartam given study X (Total 82%, increase 10%) } } Design decision: { How far down to with argumenting vs intuitiong-rating { Comment: in the very end, intuition sets the metrics that is inherited upwards Comment: emotional arguments without reasoning like “it doesnt make sense” (and no comment why) should (probably) be intuition-ratings } Debate mapping { Referencable PersonX-PersonY debate { debate-winner or content can be referencable later “when X,Y debate this they came to {conclusion}” } can be summarized to main arguments { Either by participants, or later by QuoteMap-contributors } } Loose ends { References in debate (Knowledge-clusters, studies etc.) or logical reasoning systems used. Loose-ends in debate can be filled up with arguments from others. Conclusion can differ and original debaters can be notified. {Growth: notify via 3rd party social media, ex. tweet reference} } Re-usable arguments / Canonical { Each argument is based on sub-arguments, except for the lowest intuition-only (maybe there’s no intuition-only, as probabilities can be done argument circuling {ex. atoms pattern proven by theories, most forms of god existing unlikely given belief-formation theories}) } } } Items from CMS desirable for AG { Multi-pane in one app. { Ex open sub-arguments, examples etc in other pane } } Expandable Levels: Two + two modes { First-load display / require user interaction = same as = Display all text / Expandable texts (Display level 1 only) { Hover to see more. Click, show as box” or similar to make a 1) fixed scrollable sidebar/2) relative-positioned widget } Design { Buttons for text-interaction { Buttons within text or around it, for customizing – ex show all level 1/2/3. Or show tags X Y Z, author X Y Z, edit time X Y Z etc. Design could be ex “Checkbox: Show only level 1 (icon arrow down)” and icon arrow down got other levels } Scroll-box color-match from level 1 { CSS: if input(not:checked) then have no border-bottom. otherwise have colored border of the expanable and have text-color of same in the scroll-box. } When all content shown, show when hovering The light (unfocused content) should also have a button ex “highlight icon”. ex. marker/highlight fontawesome icons When only level 1 shown { buttons for expanding hover words to see level 2+3 { click to “show in seperate pane” (map icon) (or seperate window) (split-view) } buttons for “show level 2/3” { when shown 2/3, also have {} or “- sign” or +sign } Q: Should level 2/3 be shown in a sticky side-window and when hover a word, show it in the sidebar + have the highlight window? Too much? Only highlight window? } } } When hover word, show related text in sidebar. make bg color on the word. maybe: arrow to the box. over? angled? z-index under the text in same paragraph, but above others.. what about long paragraphs?maybe just up two lines and will be fine, dotted too. css is fine because arrow dtyle always gnab e same. make draft in PS first. design like google docs comments that require click. panes, leveled panes { also do design of panes. ex. a top-left pane. a left 100% height pane. a 100% width top-pane pane-in-pane layered design. ex. a main pane of parent and a sub-pane to the left sidebar with the child content. inside that can have another child3, in bottom maybe, leveled panes dont make sense since different words will have different desire of levled-reading by users and reading from different panes is tedious. rather it should be next to eachother, ex. expandable within the same text. maybe just design of inline-text of different levels is the biggest challenge but the best solution too. } q: hover? q: buttons? q: show all initially? q: design when show all? curly brackets, border-bottom, bg color, line break? how to read the high-level only? aah. maybe have the “all shown” in default and the high-level-1 shown in a small-pane ex. right sidebar, or a section-sticky bottom-pane, that user scroll past when next section. thats a really good one. “fixed height” when in certain section of page, or px height of page.. or in that case could just be a sidebar? lets start wthi the sidebar. and nice design on both the level1only and the all-shown. button for “read level 1 only” which make gray overlay on left show-all and make box-shadow and highlight the right-sidebar with only level 1. ex. CTA “read summary only” q: design when not show all? plus buttons etc. Balance hover/click Hover should be default. However for mobile, hover will just be temporary, so better with expand, unless temporary is more desirable.. responsive design look at the swedish governemnt website that had definition, got screenshot fairly recent in Photos, has popup on hover/click mobile Should have a “Read all” button that take all the hoverables into expanded text. Definetely easily possible via CSS. Just if input, make position relative rather than absolute. From the Hoverable shoud be possible to expand more. If so, open it up in the current text-section, maybe new-line. Roadmap { Publish all my thoughts as JSON on { In Open-Source outline the philosophy in expandable text and below it have all documents shown. { Philosophy { avoid tech giants and authoritarian regimes } } } Solution Make design for Blog 2.0 Deliverable to public > Feedback, Scalability. Also deliverable to do better decision-making based on journaling – is this true? If so is a good invention. Publish Req spec, or blog posts in the new format { can also be general (technological, geopolitical, technopolitical etc) blog posts } Deliverable: Make decision on first MVP to build { Blogging for myself is very first Could sell the blogging design. Could just forget about money for a while tbh. Could be a CMS. But going towards truth is what we really want. So social blogging based on comments, arguments is much more interesting. Like ChangeAView, Trustory but a grander one. } Deliverable: Write article about argument-map possibility, landscape etc in new blog post format Make drafts of the decided MVP } Features { inline-comments { can be on any length of text q: how to make lots of comments? since need lots of users? how to ensure quality? is it possible to create automatic comments based on NLP ex. matching wikipedia claims, twitter posts and more to the content? { matching external text as comments { better referencing format via QuoteMap. can be used for references, to prove a point. others can also disprove using quotemap. } } ideas { already-commented gets an icon. if multiple comments on word(s) get one underline per comment. if more than 4 comments on word(s) only show on hover (or possibly a menu click) the remaining. } } expand-all conditional/tagged privacy { different content get tagged based on privacy { q: how to display privacy-hidden content to non-visiblie users? { (Lock icon) { on hover show “private data. request access to read. } } technically slightly difficult, maybe even in WordPress. Maybe can have a simple PHP script for it, based on different WP-user levels? } } } v1 roadmap { use case: publish first blog post in new format { article on possibilities of argument-mapping } features { expand a term } desirable features: } v2 roadmap { use case: social (get comments from readers + post own comments), proveable from references (based on wiki). ability to publish everything i ever written on tag-based-privacy. expandable text-design (lots done thus far) { missing { expand all expand tags (level / text-based) expand before+after in-1-click } inline-comments { quotemap, is a long project so for an mvp need less } tag-based-privacy design { like the whole-life-in-a-blog design I seen from a guy before… looks like almost with blue design + left sidebar } } Australia { Gold Coast { Co-working spaces { { good environment. 320 aud monthly } { 275 aud monthly. } } } } Insurance { Safety Wing Medicard { ring Försäkringskassan } } } Referenced data { Example Definition Reasoning Story Comment Idea Reference Data } Text that is expandable. DecantText 7/10 { Limiting this framework to “shareholder well-being maximization where shareholders can be investors, employees and users but no fixed demand on fairness requires a few implementations and some inventions note: even a primitive, heavily-biased framework would still be better than purely-monetary shareholder value maximization such as: individual metrics of well-being ex. ranked by desirability: automatic biometrical emotional recognition ex. body/brain scan, facial expressions, heart rate manual regular 5 min inputs via ex. smart-watch with 1-10 vote manual irregular inputs, ex. once an hour/day/month whenever user feel like it manual irregular voting based on individual reasoning ex. during decision-making, the human individual “think” what outcome will maximize their well-being this is the earliest implementation, but subject to lots of biases however, extremely low technical difficulty a proposal system process for settling on what question gets to be voted on and a voting-system DAO or similar to how shareholder-companies vote today. } InfoUX comments {look through todo} { Hover TextBlock (paragraph, section, article) and see + (add) Label (Reasoning, Reference, Idea, Story, Other) / (add) Relation ((Family (+ (Add/Link) Parent, + (-.-) Child) / Related (Reasoning, Reference, Idea, Story, Other) = Conditions (IF) ! View (Family, Related, Referenced, Models, All) I/Q: Difference between Label and Related Reference is Label is for own content and Relation is label for a relation. Does this makes sense? Intuitively I say yes. I/Q: This means all text blocks will have above features. This creates huge complexity. Is this desired? Intuitively I say yes. I / Q = Insight/Question _ Quick add / Search Add + Label + Relation [Formula] Conditions View Family All * Format (Header, Bold, Italic, Font-size) Decision 7/10 sure: Quick-action. Could be simplified so that the most-common are shown, rather than the categories “Add Parent” “Add Child” “Add Relation” “View Family” “View Relations” “Add Conditions” “Bold, H1, H2, H3 + Italic” Arrow down (More options) 3-button (More options) Good to have both for more clickable, as long as the separation of those makes sense. {IF D: Quick-action} Maybe 3-button is all options, whilst the > is more “Quick actions” Multi-labels Sub-labels If so show > for each ParentLevel } podcast Game B { taking the “cross the valley” approach of managing complexity, not just complicated systems, but complex systems to truly create value and meaning rather than appear to be value-creator through becoming rich via venture capitalists to the company. indeed should find a collaborative association approach. maybe nz is the best then. venture capitalists are “slavers” and much better to create value without going in the capitalist machinery. in 50s and 60s we went for optimizing in existing verticals rather than exploring new ground societal incentives-infrastructure and thereby hyper-competition in capitalism etc. } Dumbledore is aiming at bringing e-democracy () to life (). This can solve things such as climate change policies being implemented by politicans, provide an alternative to capitalistic, polarized representative democracy (), and showcase that we dont need centralized dictatorships () to build thriving societies in 21st century. Additionally, it can help established democratic nations () fight against the rise of Orwellian technologies () such as China’s social credit system (). We’ve been in hte design-phase how next-generation Internet can look like and we came quite far. As we’ve decantly far in the design phase, we’ll start looking at how to structure the underlying data necessary. { crowdsourced { arguments context-based word-definitions comments references related content, embedded (for ease-of-access) } personal { notes ≈ todo calendar social media feeds email } } an interactive-Internet We’re building a citizen-intelligence marketplace. But on top of that, we’re building a personal-AI fueled by personal & crowd intelligence. It will be the operating system of the future, fueling your smart devices (smartphone, laptop/desktop, smart watch, home assistant, smart earphones, smart glasses). The solution are citizen-intelligence design, scoring models, and multiple data-type integration and personal-AI design. Study interpreatation { Referencable material, the actual study. Claims { Person A understand study says sugar is dangerous Person B understand study says sugar is not dangerous } Solution { Quote text to support claim Others vote { each person got different vote-strength, to avoid pure-popularity-vote. } } } TrustScore / Under Oath / Networked, contextual trust / Knowledge-based trust { how to avoid biases? e.x voting based on popularity and not based on truth? is it possible to circumvent it through agrument-maps? Voting power } Can technology [.. help human collective knowledge to] determine truth? Correspondence theory of truth is the philosophical model used by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle that stresses thoughts or statements on one hand, and things or objects on the other. { } It basically assume there’s an objective reality, and there is the subjective human experience, including human beliefs and statements { Personal reflection } Possible solutions { proposition table { p -> q proposition -> if true = conclusion } propositions under oath { from scientists, to be true } [.. All proposition will have a] /h1 truth value / { [.. modified from old philosophy, stating that they are either true or false.] } between 0-100%, based on the compound propositions [.. supporting arguments] } The design will say Proposition1 is x% true based on inherited values of argument 1,2,3 Earth is flat >0% true <100% certainty. { counter-arguments are plenty, and strong pro-arguments are few, and most common ones are false {#1 Show counter arguments } { Show pro-arguments} {#1 Counter arguments: { #11 See same sunset from different heights #12 Boats disappear/appear in horizon with height-differences #13 On a flat surfance on a really clear day, we still can't see very far Statistics { #s1 , Relevance, #s2 Ease-of-understanding, #3 truth (user read all sub-arguments) #11 { #s1, 5 #s2, 1 } } Mapping { Merging { Exact same argument, phrased differently { Summarized Easy-to-understand } One-attribute variation of argument Multiple-attributes variation of argument } } } } } Hover-box { different sections { Tabs Horizontal scroll Written out, blurred with "Show more"/Arrow-down icon Ex. content { Related claims { World is round { linguistic No, meaning Yes 8/10 } World is not flat } } } } Reasoning { premise > conclusion therefore p>q { Metrics of because { 100% consensus } Arrow } } q: can users learn to rate things 1-10? will be a large learning-curve. over time, good true ratings can be created, as relative ratings showcase Premise > Conclusion reasoning { Premise { x% votes agree premise = true } therefore { x% votes agree because premise=true > conclusion=true x% strength based on related premise>conclusion { voting on similar premises>conclusions of topics suggest that this premise>conclusion should be true { ex. if earth is not flat > flat earthers are wrong { can use “if moon landing happend > moon landing deniers are wrong” (100% premise>conclusion agreement) both premises, and conclusions are tagged “conspiracy theories” } } } } conclusion } “Nothing further to be said about topic” { Voting can be done that a given participant (voter) can’t see any further argument that could be added to the discussion, and cast vote as such. New participants may yet still add related arguments, subject to peer review, but their strength & review-priority would be lowered. } Earth is not flat therefore ‘Flat Earthers’ are incorrect. { therefore { basic logics { Flat Earthers believe Earth is flat. { 98% based on voting (Stems from name (Support 100), Counter-arguments: Many are just simply deniers of round earth. (Truth 43, Relevance 59. Hard to define “many” of Flat Earthers)) } > If the earth is not flat, then Flat Earthers are wrong. { if previous premise is true, this is true. } > > Given Earth is not flat, Flat Earthers are wrong. { if previous premise is true, this is true. } } arguments { conspiracy theorists { Flat Earth-theory is marked as a conspiracy theory. { probability of truth is lower given its a conspiracy theory probability of truth become more uncertain because it’s a conspiracy theory } } related claims metrics { other conspiracy theories { if moon landing happend > moon landing deniers are wrong” { both premises, and conclusions are tagged “conspiracy theories” (95% premise>conclusion agreement) } } } } } design like thebrain normal view. main topic as parent and sub-topic leveled under eachother with possibility of see ?!3?! levels? when hover a children, it shows up in focu-mode and its children gets bigger whilst other elements on screen shrink. so wevery time using the mouse, the screen will change. maybe its too annoying? The main claim rmeain sticky-on-top (10% height) and “therefore” becomes a node to the map (90% height). Cana lso hover other words and the map will change accordingly. Doesnt have to be levels. its just that its presented in a map format, to give better strucutre. full-screen probably. A map-block has a max-height too. If hover anywhere on the block, it gets higher z-index and full height. mindmap} Format should be everything should come in { as it will be in final version, however should be easy to view different levels. this is where panes / view-section quick-filters can be handy. } code for seperate whether left/right hover-box { make a js that apply class left/right based on screen size and hover time. default is left. if right halfof screen, then apply different css to that class } script for show “x more” when not hover in the map_view_box { if not hover element, print how many children elements there are “4 more” } summary based on argument-map { if (1: flat Earthers believe earth is flat and 2: earth is not flat) then (3: Flat Earthers are wrong). 1: stated in #Reference x” 2: argued in “Earth is not flat” 3: because it’s a conspiracy theory, and basic argument } on-hover of claim within a hover-box, show the supporting claims in the second-section. q: cs. doubtful. supporting arguments show uup below. if over a supporting argument, show up in a third, now right column sidebar? of the hover-box? or make a 4-box scheme, if go lvl 5 use level 2 again, circle 3-5 and keep 1 sticky both sections have fixed height, are scrollable. maybe 4-boxes in total in future. waht if right-half-screen, will the 3rd column open up to the left? . nah, could still do left. no worries. open the bottom one first, then top one after. maybe an arrow that connect the parent-child rleationship, inside the hover-box, between the sections, betweent he numbers, 1.1 and 1.2? jquery/js if hover class a/b/c thenshow children of it in the second scroll-box preferably it’d be 4 different boxes, that takes up childs, regardless if they are siblings. circulate too that one close if others are opened / metrics is another problem, for implementation later, for now jjst focus on “we solved metrics” insight: the platform might not be about truth, but rather a discussion platform for the intellectuals. people like yuval harari, sam harris, trump, xi jinping, and everyday people like average redditors, tweeters can get together to discuss. hopefully the discussion leads to whats truthful, based on arguments that people tend to agree on, as cases gets settled on a particular topic. we’re not far away from knowthing the truth, entire truth. at least we wont be far from having argument-based interfaces. its important this is done with the well-intent of humaninity in mind. one part of that well-intent is that its done asap. perhaps capitalism is fine then. perhaps capitalism is better than centralized totalitarianship in control of it. who knows. open-source surely is better tho. open in sidebar (50/50 icon) open in full-page (expand-icon) open in map-view (mindmap icon) Save arguments Comment Premise + Reasoning > Conclusion Reasoning has metrics Premise has metrics Interaction of “Edit” / “Comment” (or only edit?) Metrics { Premise { Truth, as percentile rank. Can be 99.9999855645% or 54% or 0.01345%. } Reasoning { ? based on premises ? relevance of an argument context-dependent truth = longer claims (lots of conditions (q: will it be too many conditions to make sense? if so, can an avg (common sense) version be shortcutted or subject to fallacies? what other solutions?) ex. flat earthers are incorrect. flat earthers are incorrect if they believe that the Earth we humans live on is flat (similar to shaped as a disc)(or deny it being close-to round/oval)) } Conclusion { truth based on Reasoning. Based on { total metris of supported reasoning { uncertainty { conflicting-claims neccessity to specify (shorter Conclusions will have higher on this, but will reduce once specified (very promising that this metric can solve lots of complexity-issues) (ex. high-level claims {everyday, ex. politics/tech/nutrition etc.} )) unknown human-knowledge {ex. quantum, space, consciousness etc.} } ?relevance of all arguments? support pro/con? } } } } metrics for single individual { truth 1-10, changeable over time as more arguments builds up. i believe this is true 10. this true 10. uncertainty here, 5. as this gets aggregated across individuals, it will reach to other rankings. it could be modified and tweaked to account for intelligence biases (human-processing differences) such as Argument-validity (if follow trustable in most cases, gets higher (however, it requires to build db of trustables (maybe can be done automatically as high-uncertain claims get answered by topic-experts, and when having the right answer (most popular?!?) (maybe the right answer over time, based on premises and sub-arguments, based on that the crowd will change opinion given new facts (can be built into the system). ))(can also be built manually, via topic-based (how granular?) liquid democracy where people vote how “intelligent” people are in different topics (ex. i vote for sam harris in meditation, neuroscience etc and andrew yang in politics etc. (however, such a human-processing trust-score would have huge and lots of biases (but is it possible to work around it by other solutions, such as high-uncertainty claims? (maybe through a market that takes into account new arguments (but gaming the market might be possible, especially if information warfare incentives (ex. rewriting history that Taiwan rightfully belongs to CCP))))))(could also be built via an organization that reserve some power to set “winning arguments” in ex. uncertain claims) (if go with system that incentivize answering-correct on high-uncertainty questions, need to be topic-dependent) (if a commitée (small or extremely large) then it can also be decided by the “participation metrics” of users, ex. how much they take into account new arguments, how well they reason with counter-arguments, (plus how well they score according to “latest-timepoint-of-aggreated-truth” (meaning a users score will variate all the time based on the new aggregation (maybe heavy dB to aggregate truth, if so could be done as cron-jobs (ex. once an hour/day/week/month etc)))))))) } writing the above in open-source, where people can comment in new {} would be so good to get feedback on lots of items. its actually like google docs, just with some extra features, like ability to sort based on tags, since each person’s comment would be tagged with @author@ and !timestamp! and conditionally, #tag# or automatically via written keywords (synced to synonym-db, possibly {automatic synonyms via NLP + semantic-understanding via NLP)). this requires not too much, just a nice software of sharing these thoughts in. a big thing for me is why i want to open-source this is because im not the guy that likes to go back and read my own writing and format it, im just not very tempted for it, i know many others love reading their journals, maybe its a bad habit, maybe its a net positive since i keep my writing non-judgemental for myself (since i know i often judge past writings). Script for hover-boxes { ordering { based on mention in-page, the time appear chronologically, sort them so the first one is left-2, the second is right-1, the third is right-2, the fourth is left-3, the fifth is right-3 and then loop there so sixth is left-4, seventh is right-4 etc. apply css to each one so they come after eachother { top 150px for each new one } } show button { after more than 2 boxes shown, also show the box for “show in mind-map, show in sidebar, show in-page”. } interact with button { apply different css { sidebar: sort based on mention, maybe also design of children nested. have buttons for expand/collapse a handle on the top with menu for for change to on-hover/fullscreen/mindmap full-screen: same as before, in 2 columns. have X button for each, and a handle on the left with menu for for change to on-hover/sidebar/mindmap mindmap: from parent, seperate each type of sub-argument. desirable: highly mouse-interactive so content changes at every mouse-hover, focusing in/out on every object based on the length away from it. when mouse stick on an object, show a hover-box of sub-arguments with easy ability of making the hover-box into the fullscreen hover-map. maybe by hovering enough boxes (3+ different) the hover-box turn into the fullscreen-map. also have a button for back/forward like web-browser. this design is epic. } } } Argument examples { 1.1.1: – A name doesn’t necessarily imply belief 1.1.2 According to Argument Conspiracy theory names the name are often directly linked to the belief } consider all arguments CAA if { 1: flat Earthers believe earth is flat (agree after reading (considered all arguments (caa): 94% , intuition (Int) 99.9%, read top-ranked-claims considered most relevant arguments (MRA) 97% )) 1.1: understandable from the name 1.1.1: A name doesn’t necessarily imply belief (fallacy (disprove entire argument)) 1.1.2 According to Argument Conspiracy theory names the name are often directly linked to the belief 1.2: stated in Wiktionary: “A person who believes or advocates the theory that the planet Earth is flat.” 1.3: stated in Wikipedia: “The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of Earth’s shape as a plane or disk.” and 2: earth is not flat } then { 3: Flat Earthers are incorrect } . hover-box logics { – hover_box_trigs hover_shown_summary summary_item1 input label trig summary_item2 summary_item3 e1 e11 e111 e12 e112 e113 e114 e2 e3 e31 e311 when hover item1, show e1 in a box. when input:check on item1, show e1 when hover e1, show e11. when input:check on e11, show e11 { pos. 1 } when hover e11, show e111. when input:check on e11, show e11 { pos 2 } when hover e3, show e31 { pos 3 } when hover e31, show e311 { pos 4 } need to be hover: or checked: siblings. so input, label need to be all sisters input1 input11 input111 input12 input2 input3 input-menu label1 label11 label111 label12 label2 label3 – span1 – span2 – span3 span11 span111 span12 span21 span31 xx end with label span-menu // input:not(:checked)~ label:hover~ span { pos1 } input:checked~ span { pos1 } input:checked~ label~ label:hover~ { pos2 } input:checked~ input:checked~ pos2 } // input(nth-of-type(1):checked~ span(nth-of-type(1) { pos1 } input(nth-of-type(1):checked~ input(nth-of-type(2):checked~ span(nth-of-type(2) { pos2 } input(nth-of-type(1):not(checked)~ input(nth-of-type(2):checked~ span(nth-of-type(2) { pos1 } input(nth-of-type(1):checked~ input(nth-of-type(2):checked~ input(nth-of-type(3):checked~ span(nth-of-type(3) { pos3 } input(nth-of-type(1):checked~ input(nth-of-type(2):not(:checked)~ input(nth-of-type(3):checked~ span(nth-of-type(3) { pos2 } input(nth-of-type(1):not(:checked)~ input(nth-of-type(2):not(:checked)~ input(nth-of-type(3):checked~ span(nth-of-type(3) { pos1 } input(nth-of-type(1):checked~ input(nth-of-type(2):checked~ input(nth-of-type(3):checked~ span(nth-of-type(3)~ label:(nth-of-type(4):hover { pos4 } input(nth-of-type(1):not(:checked)~ input(nth-of-type(2):not(:checked)~ input(nth-of-type(3):not(:checked)~ label:(nth-of-type(1):hover { pos1 } input(nth-of-type(1):not(:checked)~ input(nth-of-type(2):not(:checked)~ input(nth-of-type(3):not(:checked)~ label:(nth-of-type(2):hover { pos2 } amounts of inputs checked, equals the position. so if 3 inputs checked, the 3rd span should have pos2. for all hovers its +1. ex if 3 checked, and hover another, it will be pos4 the logics { if siblings { when change state on input-of-type (x), add to the same span-of-type(x), the css class of (the total amount of input checked (y) plus one (y+1)) { when input(x):checked, apply for span(x), the css classes (amount of total input:checked + 1) } amount of input checked (y), when a hover is made on a label-of-type (x), get number of the label (x), and for the span of the same number (x), do amount of inputs checked +1 (y+1) { when hover label(x-of-type), get amount of inputs checked (y) and add to span(x-of-type) the css class-name y+1 } } if parent-childs { as above, but based on whole-document-mentions. takes more processing, maybe? harder to call (nth of type) if parent-child? maybe, better sorting if not sibling. lot of logics to think of if all sibling. how to solve the on-hover-show? could be by element-class rather than entire-block hover. however, thatd require hover-actions to be beyond css. for now early-mvp, maybe sibling is easiest, fastest to implement. will work for a few different items, if i add lots of code from above. } logics as now { inputs regulate show/hide sibling css regulate which one to display in which position, incl hover q: should it be based on amount of inputs? ex. if 2 inputs } } } fix a way of implmeneting css per different section, like a code-fiddle, but in WP whats it even called? visual studio code. ah, not really waht i thought “blog” or something lol and it was the space that was the key for continuing from the suggestions in the blog, just like on wp. but wp was better with hover windows and mouse stuff frm your eyes, it was about eyemovemnet and suddenly you knew you were 1gen to early, and fixed tech was most important than slow tech, according to the bs-seller i guess american “sale couch x” but the ccp was a different story, stcuck in the middle of my intelligence, centralizing vs distributing, at scales back and forth, not only in time but in the present, soemething the video recorder i forgot ot turn on yet hasnt experienced. anyways yesterday got tons of things written. licens-free-spotify { soundcloud but good xd { shared rev for impact### { } ))) } } copied from PS: Window in-line ex. quarter-pane. Could also be pane of either hover-boxdraggablesidebarresponsive:2/3/4 columns. likely 2 are common.different sizes of panes alsoso important to put the right text here.i want to be able to take notes while doing photoshop. this is just one pane. panes can be hoverable, sticky ones too. sticky, hover-map with interactions on what to be sticky/what to hover is a standalone, software / operating system / vr operating system / suddenly vrsolution is real. im so excited. hover-panes are amazing new design-paradigm. nice in Visual Studio would be some metadata, when was each line added etc? could just do a normal editor, and then from there go over to hover-maps, like adding video, photo capability – and soon it was a vr operating system, at least an eye-movement computer one. or what about some actually healthy, useful way of operating, with arms etc. stretching while watching a map. possible through audio. or possible through brain-signals. so theres not “no more developments” rather its “aimed developments” and “common problems”. adcp always, try a name. xd food time why google force you to click confirm when “open in new” if on safari. because protect brand, because technological difficulty(<) (the prev sign is a good command. could be plenty of this to enable super-blogging. its not like amazing and whatnot, but its faster. and thats the philosophy we want. we got urgent problems not getting solved. faster. faster. til we are on path towards safer. simply. definition? lets solve it. urgent ,) its clear we are talking together at all times. what brings this to collective living? does it wish for difference? or are we singing along? and all is in your mind, she said even on the web, the hover-map can go more to the left, pos1 go left when pos5 shows. amazing! this creates better experience than scrollable. maybe also on mobile, it can be via finger-drag?!? will be greaat if via finger-drag on responisve. amazing!! and drag between different elements. wont be like hover, but its instead based on drag. hover = desktop drag = desktop & responsive eye-movement = better on responsive, also desktop later, full-out mega-nice full-body moves-thoughts-vibes-presence vr-os-ar-scan-multicamera-rather-than-360vr- but amazing drag definetely works on browser, like support it just double-checked it, 30m after writing above. would be nice with the new format tho indeed, to comment out things, and keep orginial vibe, to increase truthfulness in writing. original + edited (auto-live-parser, man-post-edit, collective-post-edit) maybe not look for business ideas at this stage, rather just develop the technology to have an edge as an organization, and later decide what to do with it. can take funding like OpenAI still. however, the design is private - because the designs are the key. the question is whether to release it public or create a beyond-borders think-tank. eventually turn into new products, like web apps, irl businesses, political parties, all fueled by the web apps (knowledge sharing) etc that are all 2nd-order products of the invention of shard-blogging. best is to let the art be art - and let the business be business. the art i will release. permanently, no going back. hide traces possible, to buy time. but philsoophically, unsure of going faster is still there. thats why doing things one moment at a time. trusting my gut. leading like george bush "trust my gut". what a man, of electoral appeal. who choose electoral appeal in China? the party sets the culture? or is culture yet to be fully shaped by software? as software slowly eating the world. wish we that culture be eaten by software (which are eaten by CCP)? insight into the party. dangers are 1) dictator go cracy 2) internal power becomes mess (lots of outcomes). hover-map can happen while never leaving the webpage. crowd-intelligence can start as first product in the new design. it starts with 1 person. even if not interactive by others. other can comment based on creating their own maps. can be helped by others, as people sort content etc for others. doesnt have to be gathered. can be crowdsourced but in different full-documents (people judge by full-document, not micro-piece (but be in direction of increasing incentivizing as micro as possible, altho full-document remain a stable solution for implementation-easiness at all future techonlogical deliverables)) mean collective intelligence can be made into software altho there's no obvious interaction. the interaction is human1 create, human2-read, human2-create, human1-read. can be full maps and can be comments. but the maps itself is so intelligent, that others can use the format to communicate clearer. cross-refernce (Ex. reference somebodys claim with an opposing one, and building layers of reasoning based on other peoples reasoning. ex. i believe this guys belief of free will. and then reference why he believes as such. can be made automatically for various authority-figuers, whether alive or not. if alive, gets input as if they were 1 single human (not possible to fully own data, since each person's intepretation of authority-figures-claims are data of each single individual. thereby result-page for that authority-figure wont be 100% managed by that person, but rather collectively by other peoples interpreation of that person. with that said, bullying, shaming etc. will be a social order decision. what do you want? you prefer personalize whether or not swear-words are allowed? well thing is, if more people swear, more will be censord etc. what if an ai re-writes others claims for you? or a human-workers does this? )) oh. trump doing good on china. dangerous for reelection as he might become dictator. usa dangerous country. china more dangerous. what can we tell? without distributed information. what does blockchain workers in zug etc think about china? not much narrative being shaped of protests. its silent. what do we react with? in this time, nothing i guess. because no distributed intelligence to bring out the smartest strategies. can release all ps drafts. can release all texts. all. should i? well, before release public, can release to friends. start asap. dumbledore is on again. suddenly you had sorting a1,a2,a3,a10,b1,29 etc. but it was recorded for you. you got the prev, and guess the next. b2 is trust 27. ax 26 cz d 100 z 2500 (z = dev. time) trust score = 1-2500. you get a random number and guess higher or lower, entirely random. other people get it too, and you rate things 1-500. build up huge datasets. then waht? hahahahahah idk im not ai technologican, maybe 1-234 of us got theories tho. 234=zzz (infifinity (cuz human blog fast (not lazy) xd) ) keep it cool. double paranthesis true. rewrite under blue. verify proof. end sign human. alright its time for blogging platform to come live current domain-watching. via expand. and a table inside there. html via wp-themes and plugins. "print html in seperate box on wp editor" __recruitment (everybody invited) new stucture, idk how. lets figure out. asap. time running out. idk true answer of above. rate is -2idk. another rating. is less or above. -19.idk if above will change .1995 born year (100% true) .2idk = -2 i dont know. 100% = 99.999∞ beyond, quantum humans have to make decisions we in charge of consciousness whether its cows or birds or spiders they are right beyond us, we make their reality and we make ours had to add space 5 times repeat since so tired. Old writings frm today { So let's see how well it worked on Pages because it had to start now it was the new blog and could be positive like it wasn't this time and actually before this time happened it wasn't that positive because it never worked and it was somehow where I could find a Bible between the working technology and the networking technology because somewhere in between those two was able to correct the Bible were actually said vibe it's very funny how the Christians to put such long time Do is a lot of time to transcribe the past message why couldn't they just let me continue talking? Why was real time impact so difficult Irl gave me. Post game. Irl gaming. Postgame. We collaborate writing and transcribing. [Writings] [also podcast, videos, comments, graph-hover, dragmaps, forks, tagging? rating?, philosophy (song writing , consumer intelligence + collective intelligence? decisions? Decision-maker Informing maker. Dumbledo-er Nah?
yes, for the editor. Visit for visit more information. Visitkort [sv: business card / Idono Elegancé (esp2)]. Beyond esp2. (esperance 2) Is? Next language, of course. What do you think it is? Fork here. [edit v1] So let's see how well it worked on Pages because it had to start now it was the new blog and could be positive like it wasn't this time and actually before this time happened it wasn't that positive because it never worked and it was somehow where I could find a Bible between the working technology and the networking technology because somewhere in between those two was able to correct the Bible were actually said vibe it's very funny how the Christians to put such long time Do is a lot of time to transcribe the past message why couldn't they just let me continue talking? Why was real time impact so difficult Irl gave me. Post game. Irl gaming. Postgame. We collaborate writing and transcribing. [Writings] [also podcast, videos, comments, graph-hover, dragmaps, forks, tagging? rating?, philosophy (song writing , consumer intelligence + collective intelligence? decisions? Decision-maker Informing maker. Dumbledo-er Nah?
yes, for the editor. Visit for visit more information. Visitkort [sv: business card / Idono Elegancé (esp2)]. Beyond esp2. (esperance 2) Is? Next language, of course. What do you think it is? Fork here. Ff About Why I Am Doing This Idk Tbh Scared to tell the truth Otherwise So now that I got so much to hide I might Spill over time To reduce time To market Through You My Clue Like Dumbledore We all create ___ Mystery In being. In the moment. Xd Autocorrect everywhere. Not sure its the atmosphere. We talk about here. Good morning man. Its 14.19 In this apt. My bro just woke up. Bro tho. Not sure yo. Will you see this tho? Yes sir you will. I told you about Dumbledore. So lets go. From here. See the atmosphere. In the moment, we choose our friends. In the closest. No sense to share it. If not vegan. I guess. Anti-culture was. } { Content Published Release 1.0 { V1 deliverables { Hide/show tags? Something to get away all the irrelvant comments. Not that they are irrelvant, but they are off-topic. Would be nice to merge things together to a topic. - is much better to use dash than parents for seperating. well, depends on what. but all above is a section. parent is the top-line yes. as1 (above - section (line 1= header)) - parser, if as1, then create section. now, what about the core problem, to organize content for 1) make sense to readers + 2) make live-parser for editor for ease-of-life, ?through tagging-system > require continious editing, like >, through constant thought-flow? requires good comment systems, or post-edit. preferably all 🙂 – a3s1 (above3sections into one, line1 = header. if want to change header-line just change the 1, ex. to line 10, or add a3s”tagging”) – re-traction (antonym verb of distraction): agree? many logical fallacies here. – already mentioned elsewhere, but scrollable hover-boxes would be great. quite a bit html and work tho. im getting tired tonight. multi-children-hover-box also good. lotta work too. } Introduction to readers of Release 1.0 { } Much better viewed in JSON. Copy it to your Visual Studio preferably. HTML will soon be published otherwise. { } Purpose { clan without clan wars man. ability to share through blogging. whether its your lil circle. or the entire world. you make yourself heard. and live your best self as such. meat seems disgusting. porn is not an option. conviction is the bliss. you never forget why you started. whether she a bartender, a future you, a future other, your mission of yourself is the purpose of the blog collective impact-making CIM } Comments general { editor + reading-experience sync > require time-edit to be smooth. the 20m edit etc isnt good yet. automatically, with verisoning and tagging, then we talking true impact-living through blogging. } Im not the one to decide what happens with this. I never been. But I had the illusion until now that I could make a wise decision on whether what im doing is good or bad for humanity. from now on, the clans choose. its the people, the clans, the government, the software, the world. bold. not if z99 (far into future). quick dinner. google pasta, rice, noodles, potato healthy. versioning is important. idk solution yet. between wp verisons and hover-graphs + taggable content becomes a live-editor thats good for you, and a reading experience thats good for you. as an agent. agent definition always. weirdness (risk of misinterpration) score 1-10. if user know the expression, ex. agent, then dont show. otherwise rank it 1-10 weirdness by the others (oh, Erik, agent you solved a metrics-problem (maybe)) Original as of Wed 18.05 { Imagine an operating system of your optimal desire. You’d be happy, through the operating system. So scary. So why I run. But no more. Although fear, an indecision is a decision. oh wow, wp editor sucks. lost maybe 20m of text because of cmd+z removes everything :'( technology isn’t optimal. that’s what we’re fixing. but at what price? we are here to discuss. I invite you to argue, to improve the world, in your way. Through collaborative human-experience in the moment. Pushing beyond boundaries, through collective blogging. Impact-living. 10x:ed through social blogging. no worries about the 20m text tho, I probably got it on screenshots (wed 16:19). screenshots = regular screenshots Capturer app take every 3 min on my screen since few months back. used for { same text as above in hover-map, screenshots [comment: no icon pre-hover. or mouse-icon. idea: mouse icon + roman-numbers could be good for levels/multiple/importance] . never click cmd+z, remember, update now. 20m edit: Introduction: this is a blog post as of now. Maybe I’ll edit this text later. But WP versions already got me covered. Just needed a better plugin of making it all together. I definitely will edit because this is too messy. I can’t communicate, which is why I got broken up today. 20m edit: how to use WP versions tho? I will likely never look at them. and they are not displayed to readers. so yeah, its a start of the back-end but needs another mixer to put together the pieces. so what about reading experience for now? because authors might come live. Crowd-intelligence. Pause. What is this? _ link _ hover_box Introduction To Release 1.0 in next post. – idk if update, because no confirmation. – just looked through material. good release is video of all screenshots from past months. just got the idea now. this is me. in real time. blogging. – but I can’t impact-stream because the technology isn’t there. recorder glitches. camera on/off. moving files so dropbox dont crash internet. this MacBook Pro isn’t really professional. is the kind of pro-generation we talking about in the future when technology goes a lá branch, to the elite. – [release 1.0 info: expired domains, 60m or something I guess. landlord. girl stop. me. focus. true. but her and me. could (sometimes I thought never) work. but this break-up, altho I was just explaining in a weird way, show there was no resistance to volatility. Well, [release 1.0 info: expired domains, back to work. [need to figure out vibe] list of expiry domains. [1m: table] fork-instructions. show-hide edit-hours. default not shown. in editor altho, a part of it. soon, hover-boxes, video (cut in various scenes while entertainment) Back to well, maybe because I couldn’t care for her. It just showed up in various emotional exchanges. I got emotions too. Simply analytical above else. But not always. I’m also not honest. I got my secrets. like [halloween emoji scary] Obviously hide all above from public since inner-circle would know only. Now got to crate inner-circle with the trust of today. WP + Plugins + Loopia + Porkbun + ICANN + your ISP. No fork except from mine and yours. What about robots seeing it tho? Pw on now. – ok pw on. maybe emotional regulation will work with present programming, present living, impact-streaming. that’s what this is. I tried without showing. I was without being I am. I start again. – what about pw-free version? prio on that or prio on this? distractions. traction. is the name. we’re looking for. expired, domains. could be public indeed. but 1st, good for world? unanswered. good for us? nah. therefore, rating a-z99 (1-2500) would be 500. not sure if re-usable in future, but that system might work. parts of releases: software front-end designs /distractions/* (or general inspiration) goals (1m edit) good relationship. we’ll see with who. (edit-time = automatic in future versions. manual in editor between back/front-end.) /* release: copy & paste of previous notes. /* future release, podcast e1. future release: video of all screenshots to create the software of hover-maps. could be cool. part of documentary. interactive documentary, editable by facts. facts made by hover-maps. hover-maps available while watching the documentary. or saved for later to learn more. business ideas on everything hover-maps from Netflix, to google, to Facebook (obv. profile hover-maps) with Netflix described above and google made search-engine to answer-engine. a new governance engine of tech platforms in best case. in absolute best case, optimal well-being for all human individuals existing today, including (with higher preferential) on felt emotions from perception of preservation of specie & caretaking of Earth, meaningfulness and consciousness. hover-maps business case should be part of release 1.0. social media. interactive videos. more than that of course, and the true and only desirable use-case: argument-maps. I miss her tho. I text her, she text me back. her message was sweet. lets see. I judge myself for being me. too many edits in the top-part. guess it was part of the plan. traction was there. on-track. back-on-track again, to release plan, short-term release 1.0 long-term and more tags _ help with tags _ (info to-be-added (tba)) info = hoverable info _ ex. “help out with defining what tag-system we use for content, ex. !comments, #arguments, @people. But also scoring #trustworthy #fake-news. Tagging any semantic information. #good #bad. First of the UX. Later on the content. The content is 10x harder than the UX. And UX is far from done.” above is “compact”, also another version “more edits”. or “easy-read” and “more edits”. depends, on the original. if both easy-read and compact has changed – display “original” “personalized (tbd (to be developed))” + general (“easy-read” “compact”). until personalized developed, display “compact”, “easy english/understandable/easy-read” {back to release: v1: scrollable-hover-blocks v2: multi-blocks-with-children-non-scrollable?!? too much code for now, and logics dont work yet? wait for dev. to help? v2: usage-guide of non-icons, in future. short-term. for now the ones with hover got a mouse-icon. v2: fork instructions. v2: idea on wp versions. v2: business plans of various kinds released as blog posts in this new format. like the plan was xd. (past months plan) } } } Orig backup { Imagine an operating system of your optimal desire. You’d be happy, through the operating system. So scary. So why I run. But no more. Although fear, an indecision is a decision. oh wow, wp editor sucks. lost maybe 20m of text because of cmd+z removes everything :'( technology isn’t optimal. that’ what we’re fixing. but at what price? we are here to discuss. I invite you to argue, to improve the world, in your way. Through collaborative human-experience in the moment. Pushing beyond boundaries, through collective blogging. Impact-living. 10x:ed through social blogging. no worries about the 20m text tho, I probably got it on screenshots (wed 16:19). screenshots = regular screenshots Capturer app take every 3 min on my screen since few months back. used for { same text as above in hover-map, screenshots [comment: no icon pre-hover. or mouse-icon. idea: mouse icon + roman-numbers could be good for levels/multiple/importance] . never click cmd+z, remember, update now. 20m edit: Introduction: this is a blog post as of now. Maybe I’ll edit this text later. But WP versions already got me covered. Just needed a better plugin of making it all together. I definitely will edit because this is too messy. I can’t communicate, which is why I got broken up today. beyond any simple story. now is the decision, since enough progress has been made (to tell a simple story). 20m edit: how to use WP versions tho? I will likely never look at them. and they are not displayed to readers. so yeah, its a start of the back-end but needs another mixer to put together the pieces. so what about reading experience for now? because authors might come live. Informed is author. About. Crowd-intelligence. Pause. What is this? _ link _ hover_box Introduction To Release 1.0 in next post. – idk if update, because no confirmation. – just looked through material. good release is video of all screenshots from past months. just got the idea now. this is me. in real time. blogging. – but I can’t impact-stream because the technology isn’t there. recorder glitches. camera on/off. moving files so dropbox dont crash internet. this MacBook Pro isn’t really professional. is the kind of pro-generation we talking about in the future when technology goes a lá branch, to the elite. [release 1.0 info: expired domains, 60m or something I guess. landlord. girl stop. me. focus. true. but her and me. could (sometimes I thought never) work. but this break-up, altho I was just explaining in a weird way, show there was no resistance to volatility. Well, [release 1.0 info: expired domains, back to work. [need to figure out vibe] list of expiry domains. [1m: table] fork-instructions. show-hide edit-hours. default not shown. in editor altho, a part of it. soon, hover-boxes, video (cut in various scenes while entertainment) Back to well, maybe because I couldn’t care for her. It just showed up in various emotional exchanges. I got emotions too. Simply analytical above else. But not always. I’m also not honest. I got my secrets. like [halloween emoji scary] Obviously hide all above from public since inner-circle would know only. Now got to crate inner-circle with the trust of today. WP + Plugins + Loopia + Porkbun + ICANN + your ISP. No fork except from mine and yours. What about robots seeing it tho? Pw on now. – ok pw on. maybe emotional regulation will work with present programming, present living, impact-streaming. that’s what this is. I tried without showing. I was without being I am. I start again. – what about pw-free version? prio on that or prio on this? distractions. traction. is the name. we’re looking for. expired, domains. could be public indeed. but 1st, good for world? unanswered. good for us? nah. therefore, rating a-z99 (1-2500) would be 500. not sure if re-usable in future, but that system might work. parts of releases: software front-end designs /distractions/* (or general inspiration) goals (1m edit) good relationship. we’ll see with who. (edit-time = automatic in future versions. manual in editor between back/front-end.) /* release: copy & paste of previous notes. /* future release, podcast e1. future release: video of all screenshots to create the software of hover-maps. could be cool. part of documentary. interactive documentary, editable by facts. facts made by hover-maps. hover-maps available while watching the documentary. or saved for later to learn more. business ideas on everything hover-maps from Netflix, to google, to Facebook (obv. profile hover-maps) with Netflix described above and google made search-engine to answer-engine. a new governance engine of tech platforms in best case. in absolute best case, optimal well-being for all human individuals existing today, including (with higher preferential) on felt emotions from perception of preservation of specie & caretaking of Earth, meaningfulness and consciousness. hover-maps business case should be part of release 1.0. social media. interactive videos. more than that of course, and the true and only desirable use-case: argument-maps. I miss her tho. I text her, she text me back. her message was sweet. lets see. I judge myself for being me. too many edits in the top-part. guess it was part of the plan. traction was there. on-track. back-on-track again, to release plan, short-term release 1.0 long-term and more tags _ help with tags _ (info to-be-added (tba)) info = hoverable info _ ex. “help out with defining what tag-system we use for content, ex. !comments, #arguments, @people. But also scoring #trustworthy #fake-news. Tagging any semantic information. #good #bad. First of the UX. Later on the content. The content is 10x harder than the UX. And UX is far from done.” above is “compact”, also another version “more edits”. or “easy-read” and “more edits”. depends, on the original. if both easy-read and compact has changed – display “original” “personalized (tbd (to be developed))” + general (“easy-read” “compact”). until personalized developed, display “compact”, “easy english/understandable/easy-read” {back to release: v1: scrollable-hover-blocks v2: multi-blocks-with-children-non-scrollable?!? too much code for now, and logics dont work yet? wait for dev. to help? v2: usage-guide of non-icons, in future. short-term. for now the ones with hover got a mouse-icon. v2: fork instructions. v2: idea on wp versions. v2: business plans of various kinds released as blog posts in this new format. like the plan was xd. (past months plan) } } } {copied away from publish, probably tons of duplicate { 1 { orig. unedited Wed 18.04: Imagine an operating system of your optimal desire. You’d be happy, through the operating system. So scary. So why I run. But no more. Although fear, an indecision is a decision. oh wow, wp editor sucks. lost maybe 20m of text because of cmd+z removes everything :'( technology isn’t optimal. that’s what we’re fixing. but at what price? we are here to discuss. I invite you to argue, to improve the world, in your way. Through collaborative human-experience in the moment. Pushing beyond boundaries, through collective blogging. Impact-living. 10x:ed through social blogging. no worries about the 20m text tho, I probably got it on screenshots (wed 16:19). screenshots = regular screenshots Capturer app take every 3 min on my screen since few months back. used for { same text as above in hover-map, screenshots [comment: no icon pre-hover. or mouse-icon. idea: mouse icon + roman-numbers could be good for levels/multiple/importance] . never click cmd+z, remember, update now. 20m edit: Introduction: this is a blog post as of now. Maybe I’ll edit this text later. But WP versions already got me covered. Just needed a better plugin of making it all together. I definitely will edit because this is too messy. I can’t communicate, which is why I got broken up today. But excited, so hey, lets do the work we need to. If this is the way, then so may be it. In this grit, I will persist. beyond any simple story. now is the decision, since enough progress has been made (to tell a simple story). 20m edit: how to use WP versions tho? I will likely never look at them. and they are not displayed to readers. so yeah, its a start of the back-end but needs another mixer to put together the pieces. so what about reading experience for now? because authors might come live. oh wow, wp editor sucks. lost maybe 20m of text because of cmd+z removes everything :'( technology isn’t optimal. that’s what we’re fixing. but at what price? we are here to discuss. I invite you to argue, to improve the world, in your way. Through collaborative human-experience in the moment. Pushing beyond boundaries, through collective blogging. Impact-living. 10x:ed through social blogging. no worries about the 20m text tho, I probably got it on screenshots (wed 16:19). screenshots = regular screenshots Capturer app take every 3 min on my screen since few months back. used for { same text as above in hover-map, screenshots [comment: no icon pre-hover. or mouse-icon. idea: mouse icon + roman-numbers could be good for levels/multiple/importance]. never click cmd+z, remember, update now. 60m: got the lost-in-cmd-z-text back from screenshot: here you could expect usage guideHover any word.Icons means this.Score.Arguments. maybe a better lang than html. simply what makes most sense. -hov- introduction -ho1 about us, 2 lines then scrollable, purpose (expand-button via mouse-hover), history, team // “had a , that was removed // is automatic in best-version-parser ” ” is comment ” Crowd-intelligence. Pause. What is this? _ link _ hover_box Introduction To Release 1.0 in next post. – idk if update, because no confirmation. – just looked through material. good release is video of all screenshots from past months. just got the idea now. this is me. in real time. blogging. – but I can’t impact-stream because the technology isn’t there. recorder glitches. camera on/off. moving files so dropbox dont crash internet. this MacBook Pro isn’t really professional. is the kind of pro-generation we talking about in the future when technology goes a lá branch, to the elite. – [release 1.0 info: expired domains, 60m or something I guess. landlord. girl stop. me. focus. true. but her and me. could (sometimes I thought never) work. but this break-up, altho I was just explaining in a weird way, show there was no resistance to volatility. Well, [release 1.0 info: expired domains, back to work. [need to figure out vibe] list of expiry domains. [1m: table] fork-instructions. show-hide edit-hours. default not shown. in editor altho, a part of it. soon, hover-boxes, video (cut in various scenes while entertainment) Back to well, maybe because I couldn’t care for her. It just showed up in various emotional exchanges. I got emotions too. Simply analytical above else. But not always. I’m also not honest. I got my secrets. like [halloween emoji scary] Obviously hide all above from public since inner-circle would know only. Now got to crate inner-circle with the trust of today. WP + Plugins + Loopia + Porkbun + ICANN + your ISP. No fork except from mine and yours. What about robots seeing it tho? Pw on now. – ok pw on. maybe emotional regulation will work with present programming, present living, impact-streaming. that’s what this is. I tried without showing. I was without being I am. I start again. – what about pw-free version? prio on that or prio on this? distractions. traction. is the name. we’re looking for. expired, domains. could be public indeed. but 1st, good for world? unanswered. good for us? nah. therefore, rating a-z99 (1-2500) would be 500. not sure if re-usable in future, but that system might work. parts of releases: software front-end designs /distractions/* (or general inspiration) goals (1m edit) good relationship. we’ll see with who. (edit-time = automatic in future versions. manual in editor between back/front-end.) /* release: copy & paste of previous notes. /* future release, podcast e1. future release: video of all screenshots to create the software of hover-maps. could be cool. part of documentary. interactive documentary, editable by facts. facts made by hover-maps. hover-maps available while watching the documentary. or saved for later to learn more. business ideas on everything hover-maps from Netflix, to google, to Facebook (obv. profile hover-maps) with Netflix described above and google made search-engine to answer-engine. a new governance engine of tech platforms in best case. in absolute best case, optimal well-being for all human individuals existing today, including (with higher preferential) on felt emotions from perception of preservation of specie & caretaking of Earth, meaningfulness and consciousness. hover-maps business case should be part of release 1.0. social media. interactive videos. more than that of course, and the true and only desirable use-case: argument-maps. I miss her tho. I text her, she text me back. her message was sweet. lets see. I judge myself for being me. too many edits in the top-part. guess it was part of the plan. traction was there. on-track. back-on-track again, to release plan, short-term release 1.0 long-term and more tags _ help with tags _ (info to-be-added (tba)) info = hoverable info _ ex. “help out with defining what tag-system we use for content, ex. !comments, #arguments, @people. But also scoring #trustworthy #fake-news. Tagging any semantic information. #good #bad. First of the UX. Later on the content. The content is 10x harder than the UX. And UX is far from done.” above is “compact”, also another version “more edits”. or “easy-read” and “more edits”. depends, on the original. if both easy-read and compact has changed – display “original” “personalized (tbd (to be developed))” + general (“easy-read” “compact”). until personalized developed, display “compact”, “easy english/understandable/easy-read” {back to release: v1: scrollable-hover-blocks v2: multi-blocks-with-children-non-scrollable?!? too much code for now, and logics dont work yet? wait for dev. to help? v2: usage-guide of non-icons, in future. short-term. for now the ones with hover got a mouse-icon. v2: fork instructions. v2: idea on wp versions. v2: business plans of various kinds released as blog posts in this new format. like the plan was xd. (past months plan) } 2 { oh wow, wp editor sucks. lost maybe 20m of text because of cmd+z removes everything :'( technology isn’t optimal. that’s what we’re fixing. but at what price? we are here to discuss. I invite you to argue, to improve the world, in your way. Through collaborative human-experience in the moment. Pushing beyond boundaries, through collective blogging. Impact-living. 10x:ed through social blogging. no worries about the 20m text tho, I probably got it on screenshots (wed 16:19). screenshots = regular screenshots Capturer app take every 3 min on my screen since few months back. used for { same text as above in hover-map, screenshots [comment: no icon pre-hover. or mouse-icon. idea: mouse icon + roman-numbers could be good for levels/multiple/importance]. never click cmd+z, remember, update now. 60m: got the lost-in-cmd-z-text back from screenshot: here you could expect usage guideHover any word.Icons means this.Score.Arguments. maybe a better lang than html. simply what makes most sense. -hov- introduction -ho1 about us, 2 lines then scrollable, purpose (expand-button via mouse-hover), history, team // “had a , that was removed // is automatic in best-version-parser ” ” is comment ” (this kind of text parsed to HTML) so to introduce you, this is a part of a speed-up process to improve the Earth, includngi its humans. improving universe by increasing safety. we’ve got no clue on the future of us. so some collapsers take place as philosophers. but many know, its not true. collapse is not inevitable. collapse is navigate-able (new word (vote)) 20m edit: Introduction: this is a blog post as of now. Maybe I’ll edit this text later. But WP versions already got me covered. Just needed a better plugin of making it all together. beyond any simple story. now is the decision, since enough progress has been made (to tell a simple story). 20m edit: how to use WP versions tho? I will likely never look at them. and they are not displayed to readers. so yeah, its a start of the back-end but needs another mixer to put together the pieces. so what about reading experience for now? because authors might come live. } } } } } } Thu 06.00 hov/ and ho1/ for open and /hov, /ho1 for closing. shortcode-usage (06.48 – realized other thought here too. read info about (06.48) below) – was an important functionality..oh forgot it. however, how to group all the content thats created, into tags? could be ex. every line is tagged, and filters on the front-page filters everything so if click “introduction”, then all introduction-text from the whole page will show, and everything else will go. this ux isnt very good tho. preferably, it would just show on top, and everything else below. could also be an “uncheck” (ex. dont show). in that case, hide it – and make a (..) icon. maybe with filter-icon too (ex. filter-icon of introduction) – v2: comments. can be done via forking and adding hov/ ho1/ co/ then add the comment to the words /co /ho1 /hov. idea: if not scrollable, hover-boxes can be unlimited amount. can fix this css today. when too much content, got a “read-more” button that opens a child, again. should this child be sibling? think about it. – the launch effect (startup diaries, part of it) – like launching this. should i buy startupdiary >$260 that is maxbid, and curr-bid? decision: no. many will misspell to diaries. and much of it can be done on dumbledore anyways. dumbledore + yourtopia + more premium will be enough. rather spend 2k on 1 then 200 for 10. know what im saying. – filter on (poems) (philosophy) (business ideas). do this on yday content. v2 can have button for reader-interaction to tag self. the purpose of tag is 1) so author know to leave comment to reader to explain further (reader can also leave comment) and 2) to structure for other readers back to breakfast. – (06.48) – can add thoughts when they were being thought. ex. had a thought this morning while in bed, and added the (06.48) when i realized this thought. however as typing i forgot about it. el too much in my head. trying to hard remember the lost thought. i knew it was about functionality, and was thinking about marcus related to it. probably an epic feature. anyways, this is the mvp. not a todo-list app. or (im not even renewing it). oh, send invite to Nadya. if you guys, on the mvp, want to have profile-page here, let me know and i will set it up so other readers can know more about you. in total mvp will have max 50 readers. atm 5. comments can also be done soon, i hope, from engineer perspective is the difficulty. sharing video clips is another funny thing. becuase its my data to some extent, i set privacy on it. ex. you’ll see the guy who took photos of me and a friend on the balcony the other day. and crowdsourced podcasts, video recordings. – invite Nadya sent. travel to see van today. pack backs. still thinking about the lost thought. anyways, non scrollable-blocks. how would they look like from html perspective? would there by duplicate text? how to make it scrollable? overflow: auto, and show more text when an input is checked. so input1 input11 input111 input12 input2 input3 input-menu label1 label11 label111 label12 label2 label3 – span1 – span2 – span3 input11 span11 {short one} label11 span (_trig) “Show more + (arrow-down Icon)” span111 span12 span21 span31 span { overflow: hidden; } input#lvl2:checked+ span { overflow: auto; } maybe input+ span could be a good thing for design logics. – another tag to use (tag-system) is code > snippets ; code-comments. – license-free-music-spotify is one. like soundcloud, but good ux. I guess upload all the PSD files would be good impact with low personal risk and low harm risk, since designs by default are open-source in future too. Question is, when & with what should I contact Canonical Debate Labs? They have beautiful vision. Im not sure they are beautiful people tho. They might be, considering the long-term goal. However, it might be not about ethics and moral but rather about information-processing-capability (“smartness”) and they might do mistakes that harm world. Thats what I fear. So until they hear, this, let us exchange a bit, more. Now back to UX, as I’m offline. On train today, total 5h, to buy van. Hopefully train aint too expensive. We’ll see. – hover-maps again i guess. soon when i read articles online, ex. about china (as usual), i will be able to quoteMap it =) – had to get off train. because google maps put me on wrong train. no worries, was another connecting one in 4 min on other side. then macbook crashed, took 10 mins. this tech.. 2019-10-27, found these notes from Sunday morning, being high too. { Airbnb distributed legal short-term rental organization Hot girls with software problems Microsoft Apple Simple Dumbledore Theory3 Yourtopia Erik livestreaming pulp fiction, ibo hoodie-under-bridge laptop hacking snitch fix trix at home, yo, no gray hat no hat named Dutch? for Hat automatic replacer is rec on? livestream multi-pane songs song writting my songs online in this bond songwriter songs is { coding { 1 min = edit- 1-10 = score = > child )} } } black panther {edit >above} adelaide coliving.cold hands. writing. protable keyboard true. how long did i stay lke this, went to couch? what about before free entirely, was also free but a tool at home, that was simply keyoard 2.0 through touhpad? or a simple iphone big, or what about a foldable onE? for premium users, to drive better technology. software was suddenly eating capitalism faster. logics { input:checked, label:hover pos2 (if not same input & label has same number) when hover, give the span the pos after amounts of inputs already hovered (however, only if the label isnt already checked) } 2019-11-01 09.10 back to work. day at home likely. “rising up back on the street. took my time on the chances” in the speaker. hover-box logics possible to solve via input only working on javascript. for css, its just hover. or.. maybe its close to solving it? just the final details of logics. i was tired yday to finalize. now feel a bit splittered too to dive into it. today, will write October review. will think about how to tag, and re-structure (filter) content based on it. will think about version history, in ideal case – given technical data exist there. google, best offline downloaded music player with queue and playlists tags for iphone write business cases for all things (Apps, Websites etc. possible through the new UX + the collaborative generated through that collaboration (requires more specs on those solutions too)) – – 12.44 tags of text (table of content improvement, through panes or expandable) october review cse dead private release 1.0 designs, argument-maps. fri 16.05 took nap. tired still. funny, my friends birthdady and was dreaming we were celebrating together. October review { in JSON this time { what woul that even mean for readers? #=personal_comment/# table_of content { designs made original, raw_text made into parser for html publish { #= means tag-start will edit into html /# end of tag personal { travels plans { van } nofap { decant in beginning of month. difficult later. } meditation { about half of days } work { motivated. working most of times on the most important (impactful) } } plans { release blogging format, blog posts } } } } } sun 10.40 { design { problem trying to solve is tagging some of the above paragraphs to different contexts. it’d be tagged for the whole paragraph. } } sun 11.15 { back on traction thanks to flatmate. could of spoke to her instead but work now. one paragraph can have multiple tags. in top is filters for sorting. users can automatically score quality. ?what about relevance, because changes based on every paragraph? maybe a limited few versions (long-read, compact) maybe i should get back to argument maps } mon 16.00 { back to work. argument-box is slick. its a map-view but in various boxes. close others / multi-close / tag-close. ex. { close all except main-argument close all others (from current viewing) solution can be a 3-circles menu } tagging text { } how to read through this 3360 rows above? edit? version history? save it for who.? maybe just delete. keep the relevant. for now, keep to tagging text. paragraphs tagged. (untagged is a tag). keywords automatically create tags. } if all the work im doing is for recruitment, then – how can i speed up recuritment? designs might also solve long-term problems, but those long-term problems will be solved by us as a team. looking forward being offline. livestyle. not periods. not a week offline. just lots of hours per day. from now on. tagged text for structured content, ex. req. spec { basically lots of documents, ex. blog posts. tags { based on family-relations too. ex. for all my notes { products { attributes { productName { synonym } implementability { 1-10 } revenue model productRelatedTo { otherProducts { type of relation: ” } } } synonyms { business plans } } } ex. for a single document, a single product { taggable document { features { be able to tag in editor related: convert in editor from markdown to html filters the tags to see only some of it. like a table of content, so click and scroll to it. } } } filters ex. { hide examples (“ex ..” hides and ) show briefing (summary) only } document-navigation ex. { overview-pages { search-results. ex. show mentions {headers, descriptions {show more & open in pane > full-window}} topic-overview with children. ex for “Goals” “Decisions” “Products” } panes { v2: resizeable } children { summary details, comments, story, (related (link rather than child tho.)) } } } Its much about how 1 Feature can be tagged that it can be used in many Versions andProducts. The tag will also contain a description how it will be for that specific relation. Ex a feature to a specific Product in a specific Version. In it can also be a ?question? or !decision!. It will be a mindmap/TheBrain view of the whole idea-graph and be made structured (1: open questions, make decisions) into req-spec (> (1: and change decision + see decision history)). Idea: When adding more to a text, show it after the summary rather than as paranthesis in middle of it. Q: design of this? Could be with arrows downwards, in hover-boxes that are close-able. Ex. { Goals { Recruitment (#434355) { UX Designer (Prio10) + Front-end developer (Prio7) + Back-end developer (Prio5). Achievable through presenting MDP (definition: Minimal Desirable Product). } Achievables { MDP { Feature } } Post-recruitment { Continue design } Non-goals { exact business models { this means recuritment won’t know when will get money back. might be just impact-driven work with little returns. might be key role in future products. rather, the goals are to experiment more, beyond the scope of MDP, what we can achieve with this new designs. } } MDP { For Goal: Recruitment (#434355) (Comemnt: question: display relation how? a1: mindmap a2: inline, with goal name above with a (..) for expand it (just above). ) Showcase designs } } } IN co-working space. Doing designs on the textmap. Text, with multiple relations (such as a network) but presented in 1d text view, for simple digestion. Features { requires text to be shorten text to only keep the most relevant. { in beginning done manually over time a parser that ignores stop-words can help also an NLP can be useful given that it learns what is relevant based on human editing } Hover to see maps Important for usability: Automatic synonyms (incl. abbrevations). Enough with it being mentioned once, and in future whenever hover a synonym, or when hover an abbrevation. HTML Solutions { Each span can be tagged by its content. When an input:checked then toggle (hide/show) on that element. Seems fairy tricky with the sorting tho, as sometimes the filters should show items with a child of the desired filter. Eg. the parents should be affected by its child-values. { Ex. use case. User filter for v2. Feature > Tagging > v2 should be showed. However, this is only possible if the parent contain all tags of all its children in its span. And that will make the parents quite messy – but for MDP it works I guess. Q: how would they be styled? Because parents should be styled as “parents (breadcrumbs)” and only the last element with the tag should be highlighted. } Does seem tricky. The requirement is to be able to tell whether a parent has child or not. Without it the styling of parent will always be same. I could still write out logics for the JavaScript to do it. Just got to the designs going. } If the tag-text is just for filtering, I could just put all as bullet-lists and use Dynadot? Maybe there’s more needed. Relationships between tagged items. Ex. a specific item for a Version. And relation can be presented in map-view maybe. How can panes be used? } Is the tagging text just like Dynalist? Maybe, but its still good for publishing blogging. Such a shame HTML isnt a simple solution. But if I get the specs down it could easily become good. Privacy truly is the big one. Also splitting – and showing things based on result-tags. Can be pre-filtered tags basically. And structured maps when they make sense, with search results of verything of that tag (and a hint-icon on amount of search result content (with nice UX, in a pane)) Req spec: Everything is already in HTML, CSS. Need some other way of login-credentials for showing text. privacy-tags in WP { Can be PHP also, within a page. If not enough credentials, edit the post. Either [show nothing] or, if the tag says ex. [private,showtag] then display [private] for the hidden content. Same for friends, or specific group. (logged-in, specific-tag (family, close-friends)) If contain any of these tags, then hide the content Should be easy WP-plugin } as for the tags. well, it needs indexed in a search engine (could use WP default tho) and some modifications. sounds like easiest first version. this use-case will be good for general notes, where there’s lots of different things, and this enable searching it. /use-case /comment2 feature: put tags afterwards / or # both works. comment2 means level2, where level1 is most important. Argument scoring { roll-up { ex. “I belive staying healthy is important” { general definition of healthy. general definition of staying healthy, important. whenever user changes another small set, the graph updates accordingly. lots of db requests, so needs to be simplified somehow. } ex. For example, “Immigration is bad… IF it hurts the economy”. { We’ve been discussing a mechanism by which a more specific (i.e. linked to more specific Context elements, such as location, time, scale) debate can inherit from the heuristics of the more general debate. So you would be able to see a connection between “immigration is bad in San Antonio, Texas”, which would automatically inherit the argument “Immigration in San Antonio hurts the economy” (this would then be proved or disproved within the specific context). } } relative individual scores, aggregated collectively { key to scoring { if i score 17 on democracy > dictatorship and 13 staying healthy is important and another user score 84 and 97 on same claims – what matters is not the scores, but the relative difference for each user. } questions arise { should individuals score be weighted against consensus, to review how accurate the persons believes are? { benefits: scores can become more accurate as those with good argumentation-skills, and who often pick the truth – gets their score higher rated drawbacks: this is basically a form of staking. and the flaw is that people might not vote what they think is right, but rather vote what they think others will think is right – in order to get a higher truth-score. alternative model: perhaps just judging other peoples based on their argumentation-skills (ability to understand the topic (pros and cons) and ability to change viewpoint based on new arguments) could be one solution. drawbacks { people can game the system (falsely state another idea, and as new arguments come in, change their opinions) bribes / external system of cheating (aligned interest groups), voting on friends/co-operatives argument-skills as good. this seems to be hard-workaround. anonymity is one idea, that you can’t score friends claims. however, if the cheating network is big enough (ex. whole China’s population) then an external software that logs each participants input to the system, and notifies reviewers whenever such a text is presented would be able to crack this code. a solution to a 3rd-party dB that workaround anonymity is if each claim is rewritten with a NLP. this solution would then for allow for fairly safe, argument-skills reviewing. added to this, heavy punishments for cheating + solving the problem of voting of what one believes is true, not voting based on what one believe other will belive is true – could be a good solution. to solve the latter problem, could be by not deincentivizing wrong-guessing – or by having metrics of certainity on each argument, whereas lower certainty arguments has less effect if the user is wrong. } } } solves problem { user interpreting metrics differently { otherwise big problem. i’m confident this is an effective workaround. } } how to deal with moods of individuals for relative scoring? { ex one day might score very high, another one very low. i guess its just a habit to learn to be consistent, since the user’s data will be irrelevant otherwise. the individual has to learn to control their mood. another solution is to make scorings relative based on the metadata of the user scored by an algorithm. ex. automatic rating of the user’s involvement in entire discussion this is creepy, as an algorithm will score the user’s certainity-of-certainty through metadata like day-of-week, time-of-day, read-time, typing-speed, type-of-language etc. (if fueled by human-data of people scoring their own past ratings (where metadata of original and review-phase are compared by the algorithm) it might be a good solution tho)) } } negated form { ex. earth is flat. earth is not flat. if vote 1% on flat, automatically rate 99% on not flat? ? } how about relative scoring based on sub-arguments, graph? how will that affect it? I agree it seems difficult to not ask the user for 2 metrics. rather than belief/certainty, I suggest confidence + uncertainty. { often uncertainty } Two metrics { Human-truth and Uncertainty { Belief is the aggegated human mankinds belief. Not based on popularity – but based on how much trust-score each person’s belief has as well. So 3 metrics are combined. User-rating, belief and uncertainty. Human-truth, belief, factfulness } } Juding user-score based on their support of sub-arguments { if a user scores more sub-arguments, should their score on root-argument be higher? pro: reduce likelihood they are giving an uninformed vote. con: easily gameable. some topic-experts are so certain they won’t bother with sub-arguments as they know them all from before. by asking the user to also answer how uncertain they are about their rating, this can become a no-problem. however, if the ux to do that is too tedious – a solution like user-score-affected-by-argumentation-engagement might be reasoanble (altho generally im against it) } Roll-up scores algorithm builds on user-input of high-level arguments { ex. if roll-up of sub-arguments say you believe 72% in high-level-argument but user say, no its 90% – then the algorithm updates to account for how the user makes those relations, increasing/lowering weight on the differences of supporting pros/cons (normalize the difference). } Generally about scoring, development speed is important. We need to get a version out there. As we go on, we shouldnt ever (even if in process of reaching mass-scale) be afraid of going back and changing decisions. Judging user-score based on “skills”, ex. the amount of times they been scoring { more experienced users weight higher, while new users rate lower } Different scoring-models for different types of claims { When theres a Japanese Mu (unspecified / draft Arguments) – then have probability 1-100. when there is belief-based arguments (beyond facts) then have binary beliefs. (believe increasing well-being is more important than reducing suffering) (i dont believe there exist god) (im agnostic to existence of a deity, but 12% believe it dont exist) Important Note: The user-belief-percentages are individual-relative and aggregated individually before aggregated globally. Meaning my 12 and 14 is same as your 65 and 67. } Important about individual-scores. What about the aggreagetd? Ex. if I see theres a question with currently 60% belief, and I come in then I wont say 12%. Rather id do lower/higher than the 60. Almost every time Scoring is made it will be done after the user have seen the aggregated score. Adding agnostic as a scoring-model? { Idea – could it work? Its simply 50% belief 100% uncertainty – but in UX could be a button “I’m agnostic” } Presentantion / whitepaper / purpose { Reading Bentley – “My working assumption is that humans do not have sufficient mental power to make rational decisions without a tracking tool for most debated topics. For example, would you trust a store cashier to look at your merchandise and tell you how much to pay without using their machine? In many of these debated topics the complexity of tracking all the facts and their relevance and accuracy is too much for (almost) anyone to do accurately without a tool. Up until now we also don’t require people to explicitly state and thus debate the relevancy and accuracy of each statement.” I commented “What are humans without tools?” “What are humans with argument tools?” And thats the purpose of this. What are humans with argument tools? They are inevitable. The reason I work on this is to not create them. They will be created. Its to ensure that what humans do with this tools are for the best of humanity. – Steven Jeuris I want to emphasize what people think and not what is true. } UX for making users read sub-arguments { ex. limit them from just mindless browsing (scrolling, hovering, clicking, whatever) by, if not read enough sub-arguments but only read parent-arguments and vote on them, force them to read sub-arguments. good/bad? maybe not force, but give them an ask-opinion why they dont. btw, ask-opinion can be voice-enabled } Voice-driven argument-mapping { a bot reads up pro/con arguments in a NLP-generated natural text narrative and the user speaks back (with transcription + save audio-file) their answer. } Truth score { there is only one true argument in English, I perceive existing. everything else has a truth score. sun rise in the east 99.999% true (given the right conditions (if wrong conditions, low truth)). I don’t believe we should be scared of truth-score. Neither scared of populism, since truth and populism has not significant correlation if truth-score is implemented to as much as possible avoid popularity-bias. } Steven Jeuris, your principles and “steering away from truth-score” sounds like hypocracy to me. Reminds me of Libra’s main purpose of “banking the unbanked in Africa”. Not using spending-habits as data-point in surveillence capitalism in West, which is their true goal according to achieve their corporarate purpose. When you say “our goal is not to prescribe what is true or false” but at the same time you wish to aggregate scoring of arguments – you do end up with a truth-score. Regarding market-research, it’s like scientific research. It’s in majority of cases not replicable, meaning your input should be use as inspiration, not set guidelines. For tech products (like argument maps) it’s better to think like Steve Jobs, inventing what the citizen always wanted but never asked for. Logical argumentation { Because of A, B logically follows is an argument, subject to scoring. Not 100%. Templates can be referenced, which themselves have scores (to enable scaling). Templates { Argument: Ex. if person X believe in Y and Y has scores >2% true & >95% certainty, then X belief is false (99% true, 1% uncertainty) } } uncertainty is also a metric. ex. “confidence + uncertainty” should create a good mix for each person. comments { automatically assign certainity to users claims { .. and let them approve it, when scoring truth 1-100, based on the amount of sub-arguments they have read. so user-flow is 1) read argument 2) leave score (choose confidence 1-100) 3) after leave score of confidence (ex. by a slider-drag, or a button click), show the suggested certainty, and a tooltip saying it was automatically genereated and allow the user to easily change it (ex. drag a slider) } 1-5 star-rating made into 1-100-percentage ratings through same slider { for non-granular voters who prefer 1-5 ratings, the slider can simply have less granularity, and show “strongly agree / agree / unsure / disagree / strongly disagree” rather than the number 1-100, and can be a switch-button for checking “show percentage” that brings the user to 1-100. this way you capture both advanced and common-people. note: this can be used for boolean aswell, with first two yes/no buttons – that turns into a 1-100 or 1-5 slider when clicked. it can be presented as a slider in beginning also, with buttons above and slider just below (no margin) and ability to either click either of the top 2 buttons or drag the slider. hmm maybe even include the 1-5 rating here? so a pyramid of yes/no then 1-5 then 1-100 slider all in one rating-element? and thereafter make the user score certainity? hehe, maybe too complex but could work. } aggregate of user’s rating of root-claim become relative when not revisited after new arguments been made { if new arguments are made, dependent on the importance of such arguments, the user’s who made ratings of root-claims prior to such new arguments, becomes weighted less, relative to users who made ratings later. this is ofcourse happening all the time, for all arguments, and can be a big burden technically, but could be simplified by drawing rough lines. question: only affect the certainity of users ratings, or also the truth-rating? (comment: certainty is reduced as new arguments are made, which an old user hasnt yet reviewed. is just reducing uncertainty enough?) } } } desirable to publish a white-paper in the QuoteMap format. to create a better wikipedia basically. can we do it? =) This is the format I take notes in. Read it here, or copy it to read it more smoothly in your code. editor. Please copy & paste if you wish to quote anything, and we’ll do a Slack thread to discuss furhter on that quote. Slogan – Dumbledore – Debates leads to Wisdom / Wisdom from debates wednesday 18.45 { all day in office. been feeling good all day. first work with designs, then read slack debate-labs for 3 hours. pushed myself to do that instead of lazy-browsing. if wasnt working would be chilling outdoors, meeting people, working on myself, enjoying life etc. got lots of stuff done. really getting closer to argument-mapping, quoteMap, social blogging. } call with Mohammed { frontpage ( controversial agreements hot (popularity (most recent)) trending fresh like 9gag ) expand-circles (read more). after 2 clicks for “interested readers”. want to read everything. should be an expand-all. clause see who supports, amount, kind topic-expert, done scientifc work on rottenTomatoes, public and critics rating. could look different. amount visitors also shown in ratings 8 users vs 6 experts stance/clause/arguments. small box (user endorsement (80% (based on agree/views))) peer review. meritocracy difficult in beginning some groups would interact more shouldnt be based on existing groups judgement. could be based on some fixed guidelines from the start. verification-process that works quickly, that allow users to join the website. scalable to billions. .hov_box_label~ .hov_box > label:nth-of-type(1) > .hov_box_trig > .hov_box_trig_hint::before mohammed feedback on social blogging. would read the raw (first draft) if theres a common theme/outline in the narrative, how they proceeding in arguments. depends on the inital impression from that user. depends on the draft, whether would read. thers so much finalized. social blogging { editing others posts { collective editing { many users can make one. } example is patrick collison book-notes { random followers of him will get access to summarize the notes to other content-pieces } if its an entirely different draft, use NLP to make semantic understanding. can also be across lots of texts, a small blog post, a large book, a summary from another user etc. other readers upvote which version is the best. however, there’s so much already-structured content on internet. this needs to be much better quality, based on arguments etc. attention warfare vs facebook, twitter, netflix, wikipedia, blog posts, news articles etc. } } } Communism/Marxism debate { Why this is relevant Modern example of China is capitalistic and it’s based on growth Im unsure about luxury. Both US and China has lots of luxury however. So China is far from communist in that sense – since luxury really is the burden of capitalism. Its inequality. Its unnecessary spending, that could be rather spent to improve society, and the individual abstaining from luxury could get recognition in other ways, ex. with social credit system now under development. The danger is control. How Chinas social credit wont be about reducing luxury to make it more communistic but rather its about serving the interest of the Communist Party. As a generalization, Im for democracy from the main reason I deem it safer from massive harm. Free information is important – and communism doesnt seem able to support it since its leaders dont. } Hmm, are you aiming for the popularity score? Of my understanding, the entire Scoring discussion is about finding a workaround to not just use 1-person-1-vote. Scoring examples { Claim: flat Earthers believe earth is flat { Support-claim: [that [-.-] is] understandable from the name (Relevance 62% (people vote for how relevant it is to the perception. As a standalone claim it has 85% truth. ). ) { 1.1.1: A name doesn’t necessarily imply belief (logical fallacy (disprove entire argument)) (Relevance 98%, Rank2, Ease-of-understanding 45%, Truthfulness in claim 59%) 1.1.2: According to Argument Conspiracy theory names the name are often directly linked to the belief } 1.2: stated in Wiktionary: “A person who believes or advocates the theory that the planet Earth is flat.” (Relevance 75%) { Reference } (Relevance 98%) 1.3: stated in Wikipedia: “The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of Earth’s shape as a plane or disk.” } Types of claims { Containing undefined words, but popular narratives { ex. democracy, UBI, health etc. Need to specify details of the word if to be discussed alongside a topic, ex. “if its good for USA to introduce UBI” or “if China should become a democracy”. what is ment by the word? ex. some Chinese have learnt in school that China is a democracy whilst USA is not. For these claims, need to have child-claims with each level going more specific. Ex. { China should have democracy { which means party-based reprentative democracy with trias politica (synonym: “checks and balances” “Separation of powers”) } } } Belief-based claims { binary. ex. supernatural/metaphysical beliefs } Logical reasoning { If person X believe in X and X is false, then person X’s belief is false } Some are not anymore open for discussion. Necessity is to 1) bring “open for deabte” as far down as possible and 2) able to re-use claims across sections (according to the specific scenario it is in (with automated argument-added that in another scenario it has the scores of this – and thereby it should inherit it – subject to user judgement)) Before reaching the fucking epic final solution – lets build quotemap – which has some scores in it too, like impact and truth and certainty – and maybe user score. the big invention altho is the design. Ability to quote anything. Hover-maps I guess. Slack msg – send add todoist 17 dec, book flight adelaide in early march skyscanner search/google flights the inheritance/re-usability (canonical) part of debates affect scoring quite a bit. Kialo use Agree-on-premise for main-claim and Impact on all sub-claims. Sub-claims aren’t rated on truth. They are not re-usable. This is the tricky part. Kialo has made great effort in releasing a first-version of debates – but we must do much better to reach Tech-Enlightement. Im going back to draft-mode. } Sub-claims truthfulness. Possible? On low level arguments yes – on high level (abstract) not equally. Settle a debate Kialo { scoring { different on “premise” agreement on } } Comments: Maybe first few users set personal-scores – and when its aggregated then proceeding users set scores based on the average. Initially, lets assume score-setting isnt individualized. UX idea of expandable claim { animation, first write out full, then animation that erases the claim and just leave the simple [..] understandable by the name. > when user click: print, one character at a time like typing-animation That “1: flat Earthers believe earth is flat” is understandable from the name then zip from left and right into the middle the “1: flat Earthers believe earth is flat” and into [Claim] statically show That “claim” is understandable from the name } Exhausting all relevant arguments to reach conclusion. Agreeing on a high-level claim that is common-usage, that inherits impact from longer, more specific claim(s). Flat Earthers are wrong (99% of term-usage), using definition: 99% In the context of Shape of the Earth, the people who identify as Flat Earthers are incorrect in their belief that the Earth is flat. 1% other definitions Or something more uncertain Factfulness { User-rating { based on changing opinion as facts come? based on 1v1s, when challenged and new facts are presented? what about, forced to “go with the party line” in order to keep up factfulness rating? maybe avoidable by high-uncertainty claims being unchallenged. otherwise yeah should go with the party line. } Subset of Belief-scoring { every time leave a belief scoring 1-100, also respond on how factful one is when leaving such statement. } } Belief Because of real identity, it shouldnt be a huge problem with social engineering since its grand punishment. Including scientists deliberately trying to infiltrate. Its just not a place to cheat on purpose. If caught, its bad. Thats not how we want it to be, but its an effective way of managing problems of false claims. Because true claims can save our species, we believe its worth it. Rating 14, 18 then next user see 16. Could be based on percentile. Ex. this argument is 99% most true of all claims. { Achievable: { Every time voting, vote comparatively to another claim? { Can be difficult when becoming niche — maybe its just has to be on the same niche and it’ll be alright, and as going more abstract then compare to more abstract as well. Can be lots of voting, regularly. Swarm intelligence kind of. In nice UX. Ex. Earth is round / Sun rise in the east. Both equally true. Sub-arguments proving Earth is round: “Earth is round because of” … Appeal to Authority. 100% true. Ranking due to percieved convincing-capability (Logos 100, Patos 94). … Wikipedia: 100% true. Patos 85 … Sun observation 100% true. Patos 76. … spacecraft 100% true. Patos 63. … aircraft 100% true. Patos 56. Ex. { Black cars get more dirty than white For people who live in urban environments and wash their car once a month, black cars look more dirty (factor: (synonym: how often need to be cleaned:) -black (winner: white (Score:74/26))) Factors { Any small dirt on the vehicle will show. { Black: 95 { Rainstorms will leave just as ugly marks on the car as a ride through murky water. Black cars also seem to attract all sorts of dirt, from bird droppings to dust and pollens. } White: 58 } } True in most cases False when you live in areas with red clay or volcanic soils. When really dirty, black cars look better (factor: +black) } } } } Edit 2019-09-11: Truth and Certainty? Fuck all the alternatives like Uncertainty, Factfulness etc? Maybe the easiest. For MVP tho? Certainty Edit 2h: Comparative voting. “you used to vote 24 that “black cars easier dirty than than white” and as global voting been changed, that vote is now 21″ – compare this to “black cars lose color slower than white cars” that currently has 76 score, what do you vote? Ethos Logos Patos. Scoring arguments based on those 3 factors. Logos = truth Patos = convincing? Ethos = ethical correctness according to Well-being Maximization (Webem) Real identity might be compromised by a nation-state or hackers. However, if stored on a fault-tolerant decentralized database that no entity (regardless of authentication) has access to, then it can’t be compromised. Until technology (ex. DLT (definition)) providing such security exist, storing user-data in Switzerland on a non-profit organization, provides optimal large-scale solution of today, with the Allied possibly having access to user-data – but considering the threat of Authoritarianism, penetrating liberal democracies through false claims, it is worthy to take the risk of forcing argument-mapping scoring being done non-anonymously, but rather psuedonymously with verified identity by a Swiss non-profit. This makes that foreign nation-states and domestic interest groups can’t use bots to spread their false information in a free-speech environment – but rather enable real citizens to give their real opinion. It’s showing the world that scientific progress is necessary to tackle threats. And authoritarianism can’t handle free information (as long as citizens have some bargain power (when everybody’s controlled by thougths then free information isn’t a problem, since opinions will be analyzed (but then free opinion won’t be a choice))) and thereby not support equal scientific progress. Thats why, we need again to go to a great war. Not a ballista one, not one where anyone will die, but a modern war – where we need to beef up defence in cyberspace – from Reddit upvotes, to Youtube videos, to Facebook’s political advertisement (which gave Chinese State Media (heavy propaganda) 500m+ followers although FB is barely used in China (since the Party banned it in ?2010?).) It is a marathon – of re-claiming our soverignty in cyberspace. But it is a must – if we are to show to the world that free societies are not only to survive, but to thrive in the 21st century. What defines 21st century is high-tech, increased power to influencers and algorithms, mounting political problems such as ability to lie domestically and internationally, reduced power of global institutions like UN, WTO, World Bank – with rise of new Chinese instutions and a few Allied initatives. Truth. Shall be determined. Through – Erik Allberg 2019-09-11 – Backups. Horocrux as its called in a compelling narrative. AI and re-writing text. Creepiness. Is coming. If we dont find a better alternative. Its already here. News articles written by bots. Why not arguments written by humans but summarized by AI? Dumbledore and AGI is a topic worth diving in to. I’m not qualified to deep dive. That’s why we need to speed up, to find (the community (link). – How should UX be? Feedback everywhere. – A blog for the community. To create Dumbledore’s horocruxes. Ensuring free information remains. Ensuring we get the competitive edge to Authoritarian regimes (China, Russia, Saudi, UAE, NK). – Features for discussion – could be a MVP. What scoring? What funding? How to develop further? Closed blogging initially. Marcus, Oliver, Mohammed, Catherine. We’ll invite plenty of more if we feel it’s right. Canoical Debate Labs. DAO people. Silicon Valley people. Political strategists. Proceed from there. (Edit 4m: Vortex from CDL Slack good candidate for discussion + to help develop) – For now, lets create a social blogging tool, with argument-scoring from us. – 4000 lines almost. – Argument weighting interface. Does it solve the problems of scoring 1) impactfulness/relatedness/ethos and pathos and 2) truthfulness, belief, plausability, logos? Maybe. But a bit (not too much) tricky to develop. Content on social blogging? What to show to what person? Should all get the same? Argument-scoring on small scale. Each person rate Truthfulness and Impact on Parent. Argument-mapping embedded in blogging. Any phrase can be commented. Comments show up inline, in sidebar-hover (like quotemap) (Add 2h: ( Social blogging MVP for a handful of persons. Desirables: Comments. How would it be designed? Inline easy. What about panes? Hover-panes, with scrolling? Examples { Earth is round. Comment: Great point Erik. Totally agree. } Desirable: search, with ability to narrow search with more keywords/tags. Desirable: search-results in a pane, in-page (require Internet likely but thats cool) Easy: text from () to html UX (..) easily require some logics like when to do the conversion (when to show hints, when to multi-expand etc) Easy (yet to be developed tho): converter from markdown to html. wonderful if it could be a visual studio split-screen plugin. )) Ideas: if comments turn into argument, and a conclusion is reached (can be a long “balance conclusion” (defintiion: between two opposite high-truths, finding the context-specific abstraction/specifics that are more truthful) the conclusion is seen in the UX prior to the comment section, ex. above it). Could be a hover-map. Idea: rather than parent/child call it abstractions/specifics? Evolution of hover-maps Drag, relation-text to maps. Ex. from all these sentences above, would like to draw lines from where the idea came from (when writing what words). This could show up in the normal paragraph-view, with lines connecting words in it. Back to Evolution of hover-maps. It builds on short, compromised statements. How can it be used for paragraphs and longer texts? Could be to view the paragraph as split-up, where each section (ex. each claim/argument) gets its own section. Could be that when interacting with a single argument in a paragraph, the paragraph turns into a hover-map (or simply a scrollable map-view without hover) that seperates the paragraphs context – with reasoning –> arrows and relational — arrows (sometimes with a description (-x-). Box 1 Indent (Box 21 22 23 24 25 etc. 8 items (2 columns, 4 rows) and then fullwidth “show more” loading button) Indent (Box 31 32 33 Scrollable horizontally?) 1 row If hover anything in box1,show up in hover-box the related content (and fade it in the original position, and make a sign ex. “already hovered”) todo, google Intellipedia scoring variations { absolute { ex. round earth } percentage/guess/bet _or_ comparative scoring (most true of 2-5?-x? alternatives) { ex. percentage { could be ex. staking reputation based on final outcome of the system. when new arguments are proposed everybody is allowed to change their opinion. however, there sohuld be incentive to do the right guess initially, since thats faster way to truth, but not punshiment for changing opinion later. could be ex. if it turns out your answer is correct you get rewards from it as the poll progresses (there’s no closing, but you get token credit based on the “correctness” you have on answers thus far). incentives combinations { vote early even if there isnt much supporting sub-arguments but not big punishment if turns out to be wrong while still incentivize users to vote to win rewards if it turns out to be true incentives for voting correct { but not that there are incentives for remaining in a position and influencing the system to make that the winning position even tho the user believe its false } easy to change opinion { as (spec: incentives for voting correct), not be incentivized to remain position even tho belief its false thereby not be punished if changing opinion if sub-arguments are added, then it should be more convincing and make more sense incentive-wise to change opinion (?less punishment?) however, as (spec: incentives for voting correct), shouldnt be incentives to devote, or try to not add more sub-arguments for the user } not refrain from voting in lower quantity, but high quality. we want lots of quantity. } ux of writing. should be possible to indent, like the “incentive combinations” above, or just this section (which is related to above, since a great use-case example is above) and it becomes a child there – whilst also specify that its a child of other parents (ex. that it can seen directly from “Start-view (level 0)” as well), and becomes a part of mindmap as such, based on its family-relations. database/ux of relational text (idea from above) family-map (parent,child,sibling) relational family-map (parent(if,type), child(if,type), sibling(if,type)) } ex. comparative { A: water is always blue > B: forest is always green > = more likely that A is true than B } } } Moderation process of merging related claims. – Or, UX & arg-map design that all related claims get their own entry, but also UX that only one of them get used, whilst the others have “relatedness” and “impact” metrics change html of agree disagree { background: linear-gradient(to right, #006f3c, #35A834 25%, #ffd400 50%, #FF6400 75%, #9b4242); change to background: linear-gradient(to right, #9b4242, #FF6400 25%, #ffd400 50%, #35A834 75%, #006f3c); also change html of agree disagree } row 20 .row1 span:hover, .row2 span:hover { cursor: hover; } feedback on hover-maps. Javascript. make the “tooltip: click-to-hover” appear just where the mouse is hovering. (could be google ex. exactly where mouse is, mouse-position/coordinates) make the children that shows up after hovering sticky show after last hover. one at a time. so if hover arg1 then show arg11 as opened dragging 1-100 makes lots of sense. might not even need numbers if its the colored version. most people dont understand you can click the buttons tho, and automatically slides it. that could be good, whilst the buttons remain clickable too. drag to 100 is basically agree. hover-box should be colored when hover. color-scheme, per argument? or just background on hover
Gradient Slider Control In Pure JavaScript – slider.js
plausibility truthfulness factfulness Sam Harris can have a public profile on argument-map but should also be able to do incognito browsing where he can look up arguments without being recorded what he searches from a company or organization. Some pseudonymous but real-identity verification system would be great. The big problems is if its abused by interest groups, some as big as billion people. It therefore require some smart validation system. Could be facial recognition AI that’s decentralized and unidentifiable but is 1-person-1-identity. Could be via real life meetup > use ex irl-offline face recognition app decentralized ai data and warning system. Rewrite Kialo arguments into our map. Rewrite is an important feature. Ex. Sam Harris / dan denote debate can be a long statement from Sam Harris. It can later be summarized by others using QuoteMap features and approval voting from various members that it matches the views of Sam. Mvp not be based on words ex semantics but rather linguistic arguments. Related args ignore for now. So not ex map each tag an argument has, altho it can be added soon. Augment map season 1 then next season new arg structure up to 9999. Each new season got new metrics, argument styles etc. import args from earlier seasons too. People can add arguments from other non-users, ex. Influencers, and use quotemap from ex. Books to support that his is what tat person beliefs. This way arguments of ex. Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Sam Harris, Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins, Donald Trump, Andrew Yang can be added. Longer statements can be summarized, with condition-relations for them tore equal – and when alone they are different – and should be rated as such, but given the vote is in a specific condition – (Ex. Rate 1-100 without, then asked afterward “if condition x was met, how would you rate 1-100). Debate of uncertain topics. ex. abortion, politics, ubi is what is important – yet ?challenging?. it can be shown what different people believe, and why they believe so and dig deeper into sub-arguments. their main-arguments can be provided for each person – so it becomes like a argument-blog for each person – while the aggregated view will look quite very different?1? maybe aggregated has lots of branches and no real centralization? Rather than pro and cons should be a tag-system that ex. a sub-argument is “a comment” or “to the extent it is true -> invalidates (weakens) the main claim). A middle balance, where a sub-argument can propose a better alternative instead. Ex. UBI discussion many will be about Targeted Welfare System (TWS) instead > As such preferably there shouldnt be fixed topics, but rather a whole-related argument map. Improvement of is that paragraphs become to bullet-points (objects) through ex ( ) and also parent relations from > <. For now, can use to manage specifications. Especially if can use images there. Become a power-user there before building own platform tbh. Of course it cant be used for everything, like public blogging etc since it doesnt have paragraphs - but still, if using one bullet-point per paragraph it could work. Slowly get started with it. links (like Definitions, Context etc. (also for req. spec will be various)) can be via links in dynalist. question: can dynalist have "show more" in a section? todo: google it - Can easily find ux developrs and front-end devs from vairous open source communities. Can post gofundme for a fixed price for project. Or setup a patreon for support, ask friends and family also. need just 500usd a month to be good. the arrow is the religion. synthesism > univeralism > transhumanism ; intellegentism > sentientism > humanism – using semantics of others arguments to vote on arguments for theme social argumenting { “i dont think donald trump is a good president” somebody comments. another, high-reputation high user interpret this statement as “25% on donald trump capacity to be a good president”. } reaching closer to truth could be possible by everything interconnected. ex start with factors (which all affect eachother) and then weight options (ex. presidency-candidates) based on those factors. its very complicated tho. { rate each factor, based on arguments. how can arguments interlink between these? ex. GDP is good because it produces material wealth for the nation. well-being index is good because it our religion is set for the argument-map. its the arrow of progress, and we’re at the first step of humanism, meaning we are for equality – but at the same time balance it with progress – and balance with safety. the map will be based on that ideology if you’re more into elitism the ideology would be different. well-being measure is therefore 87% important, GDP 65%, stock-market index 45% } > the mvp could just be a way for The Community to agree on the most relevant arguments for a standpoint by a person. ex who sam harris will vote for and whats the main arguments for it. could be based on followers-only (opinion-camps where your % of loyalty to the camp gives the % strength of your vote – where loyalty is agreeing on same opinions as camp-leaders, ex. Sam Harris) For Season 1, its not about truth – its simply about mapping intellectuals/famous people’s opinions “Sam Harris believe meditation is good” It at least makes life more interesting (alternative cost for More interesting?) It creates emotional understanding and acceptance Related claims Sam Harris believe meditation is great Sam Harris believe meditation should be obligatory in school Sam Harris believe meditation should be obligatory Sam Harris believe everybody should meditate Sam Harris belive increasing human consciousness is a human future worth striving for Sam Harris belive every human meditating is a human future worth striving towards – When argument maps and scoring of expressions are there, its going to centralize language. People wont be able to have different expressions of “awesome” “superb” “great” “good” but rather all those will be known to be a score 1-100 set by the argument map. – Argument maps will be good for humanity { Yes 84% No 16% } Types of arguments { fact-based { ex. past events { this is what Trustory focuses on } } intuition-based { in part abstractions made by science in part metaphysical/beyond-science, ex. importance of well-being/reduction of suffering, belief in god in part abstractions that have too many diffusing facts and relative importance, ex. psychology, politics etc } } Season 1 will have a voting system that is prone to various biases – and some arguments might be rated very badly. However, it will be in a closed community, where we dont spread the word beyond that organization – and where we develop further. As we progress, it’ll be 1-human-1-account and possibly (if makes sense) access-limits to avoid scraping (might need some randomization, not free-search to avoid large-organizations scraping (ex. all Amazon employees ordered to get an account and scrape, or all CCP users (could be solved by siging agreement with penalites if scraping also (if scraping even is a problem (to ex. keep away competitors like tech giants (if competitors are deemed Net Negative)))).)) – Factors, based on votes by agents. Nobody 100% cares about humanity. Everybody cares mainly about themselves, as individuals. Their religion as individuals (beliefs) define if they want to believe further in transhumanism / AI / sentientism / humanism. – good re-write arguments – Sum 100% slider. { Logics is easy. Since user can only change one button at a time, apply the new value for all the new items – based on percentage changed. Do calculation, ex. if move one item from 10 to 20 and other items are 40 and 50 – then take the percent-unit increase (10%) and remove corresponding from each of the others 40/90*80 = 35.55 50/90*80 = 44.444 and 20. Formula { x(new value of inactive item(s)) = x / (100-y1 (old value of active-item)) * (100-y2 (new value of active item)) maybe an easier formula available for improve performance? } } If the design-work im doing is just for recruitment, i should plan it better indeed – Could send a pm to Venryx that Im happy to collaborate between us 2, but im not sure that will be open-source. It wont be for the purpose of me making money – in best case it’ll be non-profit but not sure it can scale as fast as that – however I’ll never have salary over $5k a month. – Time to get blogging. Markdown > HTML { Q: Start with Dynalist? It has tags, like Q. However, it doesnt have synonyms. } anyways what would purpose be of blogging? well to get feedback .instead of recuriting, itd be to get feedback frm readers. and readers would basically be collaborators. that would requirea comment system then – and quoting. not sure dynalist can do that. To do via Dynalist or develop own software isnt possible via Dynalist { privacy-tags-based-sharing { to develop self > req: to develop need login-based html-generation, via PHP likely } Differnet panes based on hover { to develop self > req: not sure of design yet. could be ex. this document, as different tags would require various search-functionality, likely via PHP } Expand based on tags { for default-mode reading. sometimes, show just 1 children. sometimes show a children but not parent(s) this is useful when the structure is leveled, but the deffault-reading should just be showing the text tagged #default } } develop own software { pro: develop lot of great features for a future mvp usable by others method: write a req. spec and find a php/js/css developer that want to do it, for good of world, closed source tho because of possible misusage of argument maps. or… just open-source it since tech giants can easily copy anyways? decision (if open-source easier to recruit and higher strength for develop own software) todo: make decision-tree for this software in an argumentMap with rating 1-100 on relevance, strength combination: hover-maps has mindmap within, and when open one, a new bullet-list-pane opens in right sidebar } – 1.1.1: Increase amount of time and energy spent to worship a deity and organize human societies with the goal to be in optimal state of performing the worshipping activity – hover any word and show a search bar and go of that word. just click dynalist you can search for any word and get results, but you have to actively search it – instead make lika Thesaurus editor that when you hover any word the search box appear, and maybe other things too like #sticky-tags and word-definition/ word-synonyms – idea: a synonym-database that has ratings, and relationships between words. ex. context-specific when to use what. includes urban dictionary too. 1 human 1 account in the rating system. alos builds the best english database of semantic understanding – throught crowdsourcing. can pay tokens to users and those tokens might have value given that market believe in the future of the tokens utility. – decision: permanent data-storage? ex. bans? considering data lives forever technically – and others can make copies and store for long time. still, right to be forgotten is good for individuals. but is it making cheating possible? maybe serve a sentence, then its forgotten. sentence has to be strong enough then. otherwise it remains as a warning. maybe after a certain time just keep the warning, and remove the details. use case: if you cheat Dumbledore you will be stored forever as a cheater on your real identity and will have less priority on acccess to various serices etc. – There’s been some early-stage actual implementations of next-level-text, especially Dynalist that has “expandable leveled text” and “global in-document search-results”. However, there are things missing – like “contextual search results” and hover-functionality, and mind-map view. Beyond that, the features should be for all types of content on the Internet, not just personal word-processing as it is now. It should include Wiki, Search Engine (Knowledge engine), Videos, Blogs, Social media. Thats the road we are on. And we need to ensure its not Chinese. Because then we have no free speech. – Argument map definition { broad definition { } definition in this context { context { whether or not will be net positive (definition) } the software of argument-mapping (broad definition) with features beyond currently existing argument-map software } top definition (62% truth) { evidence for and against a statement Overview of a topic and its supporting and related arguments to determine truthfulness in arguments Wikipedia article: } alternative definitions { 61% 53% 23% } context-based definitions } Matrix end-quote is good. Everything is confifdence. Nation states, technology Synthesism vs net positivsm. What good can come out of truth? Way beyond current paradigms? Nations are old. So be books. So be opinions. So be judgement of me, and others. Truth be told. Biology, science, presence, risks and technology, predictions and dystopia, humanism and and decisions. Maths. Beliefs. What is beyond? When argument maps are true. We will make it true. And we believe you follow our value of net-positive. To ensure that, we’ll enforce net-positivism. Real identity always. Source code conditionally open, as long as you sign contract based in your nation-state on economic terms, big liability if breach. Too easy. Breachable-open-source. But will it be enough? likely not. Thats why we got to start. Becaues why wait? 2 years its been since I started this. And now Im still in the design. I need your bliss. My love. Im looking for you. And this work I cant undo. I need to get it out, before I can find, whats deep inside, me. You. Us. Collective. Community. Global. Humanity. Transcendent. Information. Prediction. Consciousness. Net positivsm. – e1 What is Dumbledore? .results_section .result:hover { width: 90% !important; transition: ease-in 1.5s; } .results_section .result:not(:hover) { width: inital !important; transition: ease-in 1.5s; transition-delay: 3s; } 2 scroll-boxes. first one has content. user can select to include more levels in it. second row is scrollable. arrows between first and second with definitions of the items on the below one. what about even further? split 2nd scrollbox levels whenever hover, scroll to a certain point in the below box. – What if the best UX people in the world worked on solving problems: Leveled text Relation-on-relation maps (endless concept maps) Phrasing-variations (ex. claims (mapping difference between “closely-duplicates” ex. (good/great, believes/argues) and inverts (do/dont))) Thats my mission. To bring the best UX people to work on this. Once we have the UX, we need to ensure we do net positive, and if we can do that – its likely hugely net positive. The net negatives to be worry about is mass-organized truth-corruption (through ex. voting based on anonymous capitalism (rich interest groups) or transparency (easy to track briberies) or 1-person-1-vote (tyranny of majority, human biases)), misusage of argument maps to spread false claims, dangerous truths being made public (ex. how to make mass-destruction weaponry), it fueling dangerous and/or uncertain technological advancements, ex. AGI or that the technology is used to increase centralization of ex. Chinese Communist Party or tech giants. We’d rather achieve amazing UX, verified-but-anonymous-voting (only the person + “algorithm” knows the person’s vote (technically achievable? through ex. DLT/encryption?), contextual-trust-score (Ex. I trust Sam Harris on meditation, Matthew Pirkowski on systems science)) where truth is based on improving long-term safety of human (or sentient species) well-being and technological development. – todo: net positive technologies should be its own hover-word todo: design of the scroll-box with hover shown in another box. and how several hovers (opened boxes) show various boxes. – One early product could be awikipedia browser, that opens every Wikipedia page or Definition in a new tab or just on hover. ElasticSearch could store the items, or be based on some other smart database-requesting. Business model could be pay-to-browse, donation, ads (preferably not), or fund-raising for newer, bigger project. Expenses are hosting and development. V2 of the product could have crowd-sourced “short definitions” of words. Maybe Oxford dictionary “ex. Apple lookup” is better then? Or, a blogging-platform, which also has nice features like all-wikipedia-integrated, and dictionary integrated. Oxford dictionary is £2 per 1k hits. Could ask users to pay for dictionary services after 10+ usage, and also force real-identity for 3+ usage.)) – To some extent Dumbledore is a global political initiative, ggiving citizen’ from China to Brazil to Sweden the right to express themselves. And to be validated on the arguments they made. It bringing scientific discourse to the masses. – Todo: Comments on ratings. Include leave-comment in the rating section. Todo: Displaying comments – Blog reasoning { Beta: Reasoning + Scoring Arriving at truth through voting-schemes. It will be a forever on-going process of iterations to reach a scoring-model that better approximates truth. But 100% truth won’t ever be found. Because of constant change. This is aimed at implementable truths, like dangers of centralization, dangers of false claims and dangers of corruption. For now, the scoring model builds on Belief + Certainty + Factors-scoring + ?sub-arguments? Can it lead to a roll-up score? Factors to determine “Which name of the product is the best?” Name { fits purpose (synonym: fits problem being solved ; fits vision) (weight 20%) fits product-features (weight 40%) easy to (remember, pronounce, share) (weight: 40%. min score 50%.) minimum score = to even be considered } } Best title { Factors { Fit purpose 1/3 { Finding truth } Name-qualities 1/3 { Easy to remember Easy to pronounce Easy to tell friends Sub-factor: non-controversial Related: remember & pronounce Sounds catchy Sub-factor: not too long } Fit product 1/3 { Personal blogging Use case: letting out thoughts but also emotions (thoughts are more reasoning than emotions, but emotions should also be part, so not only reasoning) Feature: Comment on Personal blogging for logical fallacies & invalid arguments Topic-based one-author blogging Ex. use case: somebody writing “how to” or “reflection on event” or “systems interpretation” Feature: Comment on the article. If invalid claims, change the latest-version of article with agreement from community and without veto from author Multiple-authors creating topic-text Description: A reasoning-based blog post (like a page in Wikipedia) based on arguments & discussion. The blog post’s latest version reflects the current state of debate. } } } Numbers for Factors doesnt always work. Its more complex. Ex. a fantastic name might have nothing to do with Purpose or Product-fit, but its just catchy, like Twitter/Tweet. Maybe a point system instead, where each one gets points? Maybe reverse points, the one with least “bad qualities” gets best? Nah, rather positive (To avoid fallacies). Ex. 1-100% on each factor and the one with most % on each factor wins. However, thats just what this does. If put all on 1/1/1 / 3 then all factors are equal. Blog reasoning { On {Factor: finding truth} I find its strength 3x than 2nd, and all 2nd are same -> 3x + 3x = 100 = 50% + 16.7% * 3 The word “Reasoning” has good Tag (New,Factor: Rating,good) That it starts with Blog is good Tag (New,Factor: Rating,good) Preferably tho, it’d be a one-word, like ReasonPost, Inquiry, Discourse. Tag (Related comment ; Main-arg suggestions) } I think Blog reasoning is best. Ask user in UX, why? Suggestions draggable, or add other reason { General factors for good name { Catchy Fit product-features Fit problem thats solved Fit vision } } Discourse is good, but its very similar Discord (gaming chat app), Discussion (general synonym word). Arg: Negative: – View: Arguments / Narrative / Draft – todo check dynalist mindmap / 1st line view – Rather than Product name, a good beta of decisions is on the Ex. Section/Page Title What should the title be? { Criteria { Type of title for this entire article { Summary: 85% (currently) { Criteria for a summary title: Summarizes the content that follows 55% Catchy (25%) Easy-to-understand (20%) } Introduction (9%) Catchy (6%) } } Options { Argument mapping will be net positive Mapping arguments will be good for humanity Argument-maps brings positive direction in Universe } Content { Argument mapping may { decrease risks through { fighting fake news, debunking false political claims (domestic (Ex. from Trump & Bolsanaro), international (ex. from China)) and bringing strategy (political organization, policy suggestions, geopolitical strategy, personal assistant for global population) towards Net Positivism (humanity & forces in Universe) } could certainly be Net Positive. increase risks of { nuclear warfare (from sensitive information being shared and/or increased geo-political pressure), non-state-actor terrorism (through increased organization-capability & information sharing), artifical general intelligence (through structuring (rating) common human knowledge), human technlogical domestication (through further use of digital technologies). Weighting these risks is difficult. For now, we proceed with caution of it beings misused, whilst blixtscaling (Definition: growing influence as an organization, super fast) the positive sides of the software. Doing this, we believe that Argument Mapping is a net positive direction, meaning more good than bad forces being formed in Universe. } } } } Options { Earth is round. Earth is not flat. Earth is oval. Earth is an oblate spheroid. Earth is spherical. Earth is circular } Criteria { Belief quantity (amount of people believing) x% Belief prioritized to scientific community x% } Supporting arguments Relevance of arguments { Reasoning Story-line Examples } Claim: flat Earthers believe earth is flat { Belief-based scoring { User scores { Amount: 34 votes Belief: 99% Certainty: 92% User Evidence score / User Fact-checking Score / User Fact-factor: 84% Please see top supporting arguments and see & rate their respective impact } Beta: Reasoning-based scoring { Argument Criteria { Relevance Impact Truth Belief quantity (amount of people believing) x% Belief prioritized to scientific community x% } Arguments { 1.1: (That) (flat Earthers believe Earth is flat) (is) understandable from the name { Single-argument scoring { Impact: 84% Amount: 21 votes } you can tell from the name { Synonym: 100% to “understandable from the name” } Reasoning-based scoring { yes, according to Argument “names based on belief”, where 94% of popular names have popularity/scientific agreement that name is related to belief { Relevance: 84% (Yes 34%) } no, you cant understanding something by just looking at the name { Relevance: 16% (No 16%) } } } 1.2: stated in Wiktionary: “A person who believes or advocates the theory that the planet Earth is flat.” 1.3: stated in Wikipedia: “The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of Earth’s shape as a plane or disk.” } } } Format for reasoning-support for any arg { 3 different voting. One based on pure statements. One based on mening-based. One based on language. 1-100 vote for each argument “How much does it need to be defined?” Maybe 2 votes, first understandability, and then abstraction Has several different meanings 1-100 (opposite: Can be voted by just pure statement 1-100) Is > Ex. “doing muscle exercises is healthy” has 95% on “can have different meanings” whilst “earth is round” has 3% on different meanings. thereafter users vote on the probability of truth for each Meaning-alternative. Ex. “doing gym is healthy” and “walking to train bone muscles is healthy” > “5km a day ; 50km a day”. Vote for all different ones. therafter builds up a Structured Argument based on all the interpreted meanings. ex. rating for each different interpreted meaning scored on Criteria ex. Criteria for healthy { live long heart other organs free from physical pain (definition > alt1: long-lasting physical pain) muscle-pain feel good in body mental feel good about body looks general mental health } ex. alternatives { muscle training { types { aerobics walking gym } amount { minimal average maximal } } } ex. contextual scoring { if minimal aerobics§1a< } Meaning-based (semantic) { Interpreted meaning { Alternative1 % Alternative2 % Alternative21 # Alternative3 % } } Language-based (linguistic) Claim { Premises Background Part1 Background Part2 Background Part3 Logical Reasoning1 Logical Reasoning2 Logical Reasoning3 Conclusion Context-conlusions } Ex. { Muscle training is healthy { Muscle training = defined as { Anything that trains muscles, from walking to heavy gym. Activties based on commonality of usage } } Conclusion: 79% true. If done excessively, 17% true. If healthy mean long } } Launch strategy { Post in various FB groups, ex. Game B / Future Thinkers / Digital Nomads etc. etc. for feedback of Verified identity for voting. Verify via video call initailly. Saved on database. #Specify more# Product = add claims, criteria, supporting claims with ratings of criteria Ex. criteria Necessity to specify claim 1-100 (Idea: Ux) Popularity / weighted for evidence-based user-score (ideas: / weighted for authority-figures ; weighted for topic-experts) MVP: Maybe scoring for just 1 person. Later on for social ways. For now just for the private author. Comments etc can make the author change opinion. Feature? Blogging? or just argument mapping?!? or both? what exactly are the blogging features? expandables. comments. arguments. changeable content from readers. user-rating idea for incentives of proofread & comment { as an editor, you get points for editing others content. as creator, you dont need to proofread others, but if you do get more tokens and that tokens can be spent for algorithmic visiblity so you get more proofreading on yours. mtx (microtransactions) basically. could be a business model. then if youre a creator, and never read others posts - youre normal ranking. but if your a creator, and read others but never ever correct mistakes or make good comments, you get slightly less visibility - since you dont increase the global maxima - only focus on your local maxima. } ex. claim { exercising is net beneficial = 78% { risk of misinterpration: 92% compare to: "exercising is healthy (90%)" compare to" "earth is round 3%" truth as undefined claim: 85%) } specify { Human exercise, moderate, individual well-being (Contributor: Erik Allberg + Edited by 4 people) (Necessity to specify further: 54%. Claim-Truth: 91% Certainty 85%) (Relevance to unspecified claim: 78%) (Vote to change title) { human exercise excercising, as human, doing exercise that makes you sweat, not excessively. net beneifical ((1:good for single human individual doing the exercise, ex. health. 80%) (2: good for forces in Universe, such as increase survival of humanity, and increase intelligence & consciousness 20%)) } All activities in Universe (being exercised (happening)) (Contributor: Erik Allberg + Edited by 3 people) (Necessity to specify further: 78%. Claim-Truth: 31% Certainty 15%) (Relevance to unspecified claim: 22%) (Vote to change title) { Exercise as in physics, where an activity (ex. movement of materia (ex. atoms) is performed) Net beneficial as desireable forces in Universe, set by all sentient agents. Basically, that any activity exercised in Universe is net beneficial. } } } Types of claims { absolute agreement { Earth is round } high-agreement with many contexts { charging phone til almost full then re-charge when almost dead is best } high-agreement on specified, but not on unspecified { Technology is dangerous. Definition: what technology? dangerous for who? The key is in the big apple. Definition: Key as materiral object or abstract as a solution? A good Social Safety Net is increasing growth. If GDP/capita ___ is > I believe it’s > Perhaps vote on an algorithm proposed by others. China is damaging the world. Apple is damaging } complex (time, agents, predictions) { CCP is dangerous Best approaches for each nation to combat Chinese Party is… } } Show on nex tline, the next-level text, in color from previous. start next text after if short? if children, show within children. if multiple open, do different lines technically difficulty is to start the new one on new line, even tho its on the content on the same one. google css and js how to do it create backup of designs, send to backup people. if i die, tell them to send dump to Democracy Earth Slack, Dao Telegram. Thereafter, if no response from them within 2 weeks that they will do project, then send to Wikipedia,, and publish drafts publically on Backup contains { password to all media files of drafts all my personal notes } November review { November has passed. Quicker than other months. But of course not. I’m still on track. Defending myself in my work position going slowly – whilst the real defence is from my indulgences, which last week been fine but for the first half of the month not. It has affected others, as it has affected me. But defence mode is off, because next 2 months will be easier to get everyting going as I will be accompanied by great friends. (Comment (I learnt about myself I am very sensitive to the people around me (as the saying: you’re the average of the 5 people closest to you))).
So to review the month, on aspects of Productivity, Well-being and Personal development:
Impactful productivity Rather than launching and working toward launching, new products – I have been working on the creative part.
Comment: should I ever write as i eappear unconfident? Doubtful? Or as the saying “never show you’re weaknesses”? The creative work thats been done is primarily on argument-mapping. I been having some creative thoughts that I wanted to see implemented to designs, and many iterations and versions has led to quite some progress. There’s now slider-bars for voting on metrics. I am on the way of determining which metrics are to be used ((Clarity, Truth Unspecified, Certainty for main-claim) and ((Impact on parent or Impact on criteria of Parent) and Truth-as-standalone-claim for related arguments)). Beyond that, the hover-box should show a briefing of the argument-map just on mouseover. SHow “top pecified claim” (ex. “exercise is healthy” means generally “human workout is good for physical/mental well-being and increase life expectancy).
Also been trying out designs for hovering words within a hover-box, to see further definitions. (Ex. if hover definition of “Net positive” and there’s the concept “human well-being” one can hover it to see about “material well-being” and “psychological well-being” and hover either of those to see even more, going as deep as the user likes and there is content to be found. Those designs are getting better, although not yet fully finalized (minor problem that becomes big problem, that hover-effect should just show after having mouseover for 1 second, rather than instantly. That shoul be easily solvable, but has been difficult thus far)).
now, enjoyment. i been doing things after work every afternoon. Hiking, swimming, roller-blading, picknicks, sceneries etc. Been living in a house with an Australian family for past 3 weeks. First started out that just stay for few days, but because of the fires up north where I was going to drive with my van I just stayed “one more night” which became a joke after a few nights. Its been a blast however, and as I will leave to on Monday we’ll miss eachother. For December, i’ll travel with a Swedish friend, go to NZ then come back to the house I stayed in this month and celebrate Christmas, then haed off with the van. We’ll do hiking, and workng working from the van – throughout the month.
It’s been enjoyable certainly.
I have been meditating almost every day. NoFap has been good in the last week, but the beginning of the month was a rollercoaster. Its truly a habit I just want to get rid off. This year has been great, As i’ve been free for months at a time, but it still lurks around – and sometimes I forget all te progress I’ve made. I just dream that one day it’ll be all gone, and when reality is that its still far from it, the dissapointment grows and I fall back into the hold habit to comfort myself. My reasons for doing NoFap are sometimes forgotten. (Reasons(Long-term thinking that even tho masturbating and watching porn feels fantastic in the moment and I like doing it, i the llong run it shapes my brain and body to release good chemicals when being alone watching my computer screen, and when I get off that situation and get back to reality, to eat, socialize, work, enjoy the environment – then I have less chemicals available. It becomes a part of life thats not in sync with rest of my life. When being free from masturbating desires, I enjoy social company much more, I enjoy work and get much more done, I enjoy romance, and I build the romantic relationship I want to have later in life as starting a family – which seems like a good pathway to further well-being as an growing older))
Peersonal development These tags truly are connected, as NoFap on enjoyment as much to do with my personal development too. Meditation, NoFap, , social skills, general skills are what I want to improve. Also my work-focus.
I lrstnt various new skills this month, such as freestyling pano-playing. My cooking skills has beena bit improved too. Also has my focus-skills got better, as I’ve had quite productive workdays. Thy’re still far from what I desire, as I spend much time on things I regret later, like watching reddit/youtube/news/twitter. However, its a lot better than what it has been in the past and what it could be today.
In december I wish to get many deep-work sessions – solving tough problems like (december deliverables (structuring argument-variations (ex. different spellings/expressions, inverted arguments, same/similar meaning) scoring of supporting arguments (via ex. criteria based on main-argument, or just one single metric called impact)). As my friend arrives, I also hope to discuss some important questions regarding argument mapping with him, such as (discuss questions (openness related to impact, ex. misuage of technology by CCP (Chinese Communist Party) or tech giants (Fb;Google,Amazon) and with that, whether to be open open-source) also misalignment in product development, based on venture funding – or else setup crowdfunding donations))
Travels surely will be fun. I hope work will be the most productive month of the year too. By the end of the month I wish to feel that its even closer to bringing argument-maps to make huge positive impact. } Todo Drafts: Argument metrics based on (context: this blog article) Technical read { Technical read / Easy read / Edit Argument maps will be net positive given that It’s outcomes produce a net positive product of desirable forces in the universe which are continuously set by agents whom are categorized under such desirable forces. Consensus (single author): 58% Author agree with himself: 58% A major force is human progress, which is one of the most for the most spectacular force in the universe, whose main objectives is preservation of humanity, increased consciousness, increased intelligence, and better technology / tools. Whether or not arguments maps will be good or not for humanity depends on it’s capacity to fulfill above objectives. Without arguments maps, risks remain. The case for that argument maps can reduce risk of mass destruction Or affected by but it may create a multi-stakeholder governance framework which upheavals humanity from priston dilemma. It also brings back benefit of democracy as aggregation of free-speech becomes scientifically and economically beneficial. At the same time, it is a gray ball technology where is it can be misused for spreading propaganda, or remove gatekeeper function of secret information. These risks will likely remain regardless of the creation of arguments maps by DumbledoreBut and therefore I remember meant maps like we have that positive impact for humanity. For the forces of the universe it increase intelligence and has not posted there as well. It is also likely be useful to increase consciousness of community andHe’s likely useful tool for the increased well-being of others sentient beings. } One good way of launching is by going live on Reddit, publishing all drafts etc to Redditors and hopefully the world gets something valuable out of it. 2019-12-09 { Insights into arguments { Scoring sub-arguments { Belief () Detailed belief { Makes logical sense { if this, then that. However, even if make sense in the limited context, might not be true } How much does it (in-)validate the Main Claim, relative to other supporting arguments? Risk of being misinterpreted { Ex same meaning of words / ?too abstract? } } Used example for below metrics { Ex. Claim: Argument Maps will reduce polarity Sub-arg: Because (it) shows similarities between parties } Truth / agreement (subargument + claim) { “Argument Maps will reduce polarity because it shows similarities between parties. Agree: 85% } Idea Maybe truth is aggregated (ex. belief), and thereafter user is to answer sub-questions Certainty of truth ; uncertainty of claim ; vagueness of claim ; possibility/risk that answer is wrong Ability to be misinterpreteted as sub-argument { Ex. Sub-arg: } } Merging similar claims { Ex. { Will reduce polarization because { shows similarities between parties shows the other party that you have much in common makes people (parties, agents) see what they agree on } } } Categorizing arguments { Ex. “affect poliarization” { “related to agents” > human agents. Therefore “party(-ies)” “people” “debators” “side(s)” = agent polarization = numerical outcome (synonym: energy) (definition: in single agent’s mind (individual psychology) and in large (society-wide(psychology of masses))) affect = increase/decrease { total energy (amount + strength) being affected either direction amount of agents affected amount* (types of agent) * strength of affection affection of reducing strength of edges (synonym: affect extremism) } } } } MVP { Notes-taking { various panes make ( easily dissapear) Highly requested feature for me and other bulk-note-takers: Comments, editing, internal Linking Todo: tryout dynalist } Publish arg. map on and get email signups { Maybe Dumbledore not Wp, just pure html css and js. send some data to a server also somehow, like email signup. would be good with comments also, on the blogging dumbledore could be the first mvp of notes-taking, where i start organizing my notes. question is tho, should i organize them – or should i just read them and focus on building arg maps? comments needed on this questions, so maybe organize is good. to make decisions and stick with them. to organize my thoughts, decisions etc. and arg maps designs will be a part of the comments as they build up. however arg maps are way beyond just social comments. just like its way beyond juts product reviews like i was thinking back in the days. one use case is decision-log and collective-decisions, such as this. thats a good use-case too Questions for Dumbledore comments { Should we raise venture-capital? Tags (with metrics) { Positive / Negative -50/+50? } Good Management (toward Net Positivsism) / Mismanagement Speed of development Related: Donate to our crowdfunding How can arguments maps be used? Tags (with metrics) { Positive / Negative -50/+50? Short-term / Long-term 1-100 Likelihood of implentation 1-100 } Aggregated from these answers: “Will Arguments Maps be Net Positive? } Content for Dumbledore { Introduction to Argument Maps Briefing (use-case, technology, history, vision) About us Donate to our crowdfunding Vision of Dumbledore Edit 1d: Problems we are solving and need your help on { Mapping definitions (ex. “most fuel efficient car”) Mapping similar questions/arguments (and have relation of the difference of those (ex. “good”/”great” has 10% difference in strength of positivity), rather than strict merging) Scoring arguments Real identity } } } Comments thoughts { the metrics is just a way for the comment-author to express their belief in firm numbers rather than words. UX: instead of numbers, could be neg/pos expressions, “very strongly” Aggregated metrics from comments wont be super relevant in beginning. Could be a metric ex, how relevant is comment-sections metrics atm? } } } 2019-12-10 { Maybe scale down product to core protocol Ex. sub-claim metrics: Argument Maps will reduce polarity Because shows people what the other side believes 85% possible to be valid. 73% possible to bbe invalid. Therefore 79% uncertainty (show before tho, ex. 79% unceratinty > 85Y, 73N). } 2019-12-11 { MVP Features { Blogging better than Medium { Blogging: Disagree on point X. > Argument Map, to settle. If community settle and editor dont change, automatically change via community, or markup as Red-bg in blog, with correct phrasing in green before the other (in-paranthesis red phrasing). } Argument-map MVP features { Personal philosophy, why one belief what one beliefs. Why science is the way it is, etc. A sort-of-wikihow based on argument maps. Based on longer blog texts, so not every argument is broken up into pieces yet. Rather than bringing all solutions at once, showcase the possibility if all features was there. } } Work philosophy { Focus on doing most with the solutions gotten thus far. Leave the hard hard problems for later. { Hard problems ex. { Mapping one text-section with multiple headers. Logics, what should a text-section belong to? Defining types of questions and mapping args to them { Ex. numerical, binary, } Mapping similar answers / questions { Ex. most fuel efficient / most economical car } Mapping definitions of words { Ex. “most fuel efficient car” can mean { type of car { fuel type (electric, gas, petrol, diesel) model type (SUV, pick-up, sports car etc.) car brand (Audi, Tesla, Ford) } To map in the UX which definiton is actually being asked, and answering questions based on that is fairly difficult. } } } } Arg map scoring { Relevance (to include both on- & off-topic) { Based on { * Impact (strength of (in-)validitation), on-topic { Truth as standalone claim { Ex. “An increase of (people understanding other person’s point-of-view will make that argument maps reduce polarization) } Strength of (in-)validitation -50 to +50 or ‘0’(unsure, but validates) and ‘-‘ (off-topic) { Ex. “Because of -.- (people understanding other person’s point-of-view will make that argument maps reduce polarization) If -, instead leave score of * Likely relevant (generally. off-topic) (based on audience, if audience know this it isnt relevant, but if not it is. Ex. “what is most fuel efficient car”, a relevant arg is “electric is very economical” since fuel efficiency is often related to economical cars) } } } } } Thoughts on organization structurd { after talking with Oliver got some thoughts { raise capital but limit compensation for each contributor to 4k euro per month. problem: incentvies of getting rich for capitalists / employees. possible solve incentive by having a max-cap on capitalists aswell, kind of like loan but 10x. could look into the financing model of OpenAI (prev: todo) } } Todo: google “altruistic capitalism” { Term for “” or similar with max-cap on salary } } 2019-11-12 { How to edit originals (time-based entries) when merging together notes from different days? By creating new documents? + Yeah, its how it has to be done, even if in future reference to an old note. Its just a new document, with a reference there. > Dynalist can do this system, by just using links – lots of storage, isnt there a better system? could be ex. one big file? Example of Simple Scoring of Args Argument Maps will be net positive 58% related > 71% validates [..] a) because will reduce polarization increase toleration { 55% validates a) * shows reasoning from opposite arguments * makes people understanding other side 21% validates b) * makes people understand why they believe what they themselves belief * makes people see flaws in their own reasoning * makes people more humble * makes people change their mind from false claims, which in 2nd order reduce polarization since less people with extremists beliefs (which are often false) 19% validates c) * brings people together through what they have in common * makes it clear what arguments people agree on 26% invalidates d) * makes people more dogmatic * makes people hold their uncertain beliefs even stronger as true * makes people deny legitimacy of logics and/or reasoning 35% invalidates e) * as differences between parties show, the real difference in belief, which are even deeper and more difficult to bridge becomes clear and dangerous * makes people less tolerant as the differences becomes clear * makes people judgemental of other sides uncertain belief } 30% related > 42% invalidates [..] a) because will increase non-logical/dogmatic thinking increase risk of mass destruction increase extremist beliefs 12% related > 78% uncertainty on anything Net positive Time-frame of net positive? Amount of agents? What if disastorous black swan far ahead due to action in argument maps? } 2019-12-13 { Rather than scoring as above with “Related” and “validates” and “certainty”, perhaps should have “Factors”. Ex “polarization”, “scientic thinking” Because this is complex, maybe should start with an even simpler MVP. Like discussion-based blogging. Feature: comment / QuoteMap { Ex. { “Because this is complex, maybe should start with an even simpler MVP. Like discussion-based blogging.” Comment on above Quote: { Invalidate 85%. I think its good to focus on longer-term solutions where its most unique. > Comment on above Quote: { Invalidates Invalidation: 47% However, in order to reach long-term impact, one must release something today – to ensure whats been done thus far is good. } } } } }

Drafts of interactive text

These are pretty huge files (Ca 30MB in total), so I recommend open the images in new window and zoom-in.

JSON file of Project specification Structured 2019-11-06

Describing all the features possible with interactive text and the roadmap to get there.

JSON file of Project specification 2019-09-05

This is my most important work. Strategy of how Ted Nelson’s 1965 idea of endless interconnectivity of digital text can achieved – now 50 years after digital word processors was first invented where we got more than 1.2 billion Microsoft Office users. Here is some solutions to totally reinvent this space. I suggest you copy & paste and open this document in a code-editor.

CSS code of

Various HTML entries on

Brainstorming and lots of features of Knowledge Management Software

Content-app requirement specification

Content Management App 

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay, computing pioneer 


Decision journal 


For MVP, lets use Entries like a traditional notes-app. 


Sometimes Entries will be super-short (1 sentence) and sometimes super-long (whole book, 100.000 words) 


Q: Entries folders 

This mean user has to define which folder an Entry should go into. How about Blended thoughts? 


Folders that contain Entries. 


Q: Can entry be in several Folders? Yes…. desired. However cryptpad maybe only allows for 1 entry/folder 


A: Entry Folders generated by content (labels within Entry (amount + diversity of Labels) 

+ User don’t have to define 
+ 1 entry can be in X labels 
However some users (easy-users) want to have Entry folders. 

Will be harder to code + bigger mistakes + harder to get users, but better long-term and more challenging and more revolutionary without Entries. Lets start with Entries. 

Ideas without Entries: 
Twitter-like. Each Tweet is so. However, some have Threads, and then Threads of Threads. Some organization, not just based on keywords but links or file paths is necessary. 


Book-like (one endless file), is basically the same as endless paragraphs. 


Time-based entries is also one approach, which are editable over time.  

However, requirement is to also be able to write a whole article (10.000 words) in this format and it look OK. 


In fact, use case could be to import books (pdfs) and then use definitions (from ex. The Definitions-Section in the end of the book or 2) via And also claim validation (ex. Comments from other famous authors whether its true). 


Hashtags within Entry 




Paragraph relations 

Show/hide levels of paragraphs 


Design: plus / minus ?!? Indent? 


OneNote? Does work on Mac. Show + sign for collapsed. Tag-bar to the left when double-click collapses the underlying content. Plugins like “Gem for OneNote” that can expand/collapse all paragraphs/lists 


Perhaps there’s a reason that collapsible content is very rare on the web. 
+ good for definitions 
– takes long time to create for the author (could be solved by 3rd party adding them or requesting them + references (dictionary) to 3rd parties 


Perhaps in-line collapsible content (in paragraph) is better 

Or referencing external?! 
But what we actually want to do is inherit across paragraphs?!?  
We want summaries to become the collapsed content 
Easy read ; Advanced read of same topic 


Summary ; Explanation 

SOLUTION: One [+] button in the end of paragraph would collapse various claims within that paragraph, through only button. It would be clear how all the collapsed stuff map into previous claims. However, maybe not – because sometimes the explanation is a story bounding together various narratives. 


9: JSON?!? What will that help { ; } 


Color what has already been read  



Argument maps are very complex to build which is one key reason for why we don’t have them today. When they come into the world, which is soon, they will have profound effects on all human knowledge workings. This includes politicians, academia & science, investors, teachers. [+] 

Argument maps are very complex to build because of UX [+], Big data [+] and Business models [+] which is one key reason among other reasons like solutions by founders (like YourTopia team, demand (Trump increased the demand for this) for why we don’t have them today although a lot of tries has been made [+ see top 10 existing argument maps]. When they come into the world, which is soon, the disappointment of current big-tech, along with advancements in NLP and increased demand along with an increased community around building these solutions, the breakthroughs are getting closer, they will have profound effects on all human knowledge workings. The way the effects come is in form of consensus on best ways, increased overview of problems, solutions, information as well as deeper interest in reasoning. This includes politicians, in that their claims will be validated how truthful & relevant they are in a seamless way for mass-scale academia & science, which will be able to map up inter-disciplinary and use reasoning on top of existing data to come up with & disprove almost all existing theories investors, as they can do much more fundamental analysis both on listed and unlisted companies, hedges and materials, teachers in the way that they’ll be able to teach what’s truthful, judge assignments based on extensive reasoning and teach in a more abstract way with the most important first and diving down into details, just like this reading . [] 






MVP: Tiddly-editor 


Search result of blocks (paragraphs) 



Show blocks matching query.  
ToDo, able to checkbox 
Paragraph, able to edit. Link to view original Entry of paragraph. 
     Nice-to-have: Able to click +X to show more rows above/below. Use case?! 


Filter on multiple attributes (keywords, content formats (todo, question, decision) 



From Entry, all words are links to search result 

Use case? Why not just perform a normal search? 


What is the use case in general of search results? 


Access levels 

Tag an Entry or Block with access levels 


Social media sharing via tags 

Twitter, Insta, FB posts. MVP just prepare this via tag. Future versions use API to send. 




Name on an Entry or no?  

Maybe just EntryName = h1 in-text, and if new h1 then it’s a new entry 



Inherited hashtags from Titles, ex. All content under h1 has tags 

If search match a h1.. How to show it in search results? Maybe just bolded, or show a discrete H1 on the left, like Bear Design. 

Have different Entries or all as one? 

Whats the purpose of a new Entry? Maybe easier to store the content? 
Hosting requirement probably hard if all in one entry. 




Likely no: Freely enter a box of content anywhere like OneNote? 

+ OneNote has it. Good for ex. Creative adding. Temporary notes.  

– Bad for articles 
Difficult to aggregate text maybe 
– More difficult to create from code-standpoint and low demand, so No. 



Focus only on short, random snippets or also book-long? 

Book-long needs formatting + navigation-pane + paragraph-relations. 
Short-snippets is like personal Twitter, also with better search. 


Think: how can different colors be implemented,  

Or different row lines? like coders have visual studio, but for topics with parents/children dependent on how indent 
















Use cases 

Essentially the best app for note-taking (snippets, books, journals, meetings), toDo. It can organize larger chunks of content (books, voice recordings) and later be used for project management, decision making and governance. 


Random-snippet-note-takers. Project managers. Book writters. Tweet-assistant. Meeting note-takers. Habit tracking. Dream journaling. Day journaling.  
Best todo-list (easy to add during creative moments + adds context to the ToDo:s + search/plan day) 

Best book-commenting software 

Student lecture notes (with own notes + recording & comments + sharing everything, or specific labels only) 
Self-help + productivity tool 
Habit tracking 
Personal insights mapping 

Collaborative organizational insights mapping 




H1-H6 through typing #, ## or ###### or typing /h1.  

Numbered/bullet lists. Via * or 1. or 1: 

Bold/italic/underline. Via cmd+b/i-/u or *bold* /italic/ _underline_ 

– ToDo (checkbox).Double — for completed ToDo. 

@ assign in text-color 
? question (background + text color?) 
! decision (-.-) 


Link embedding (paste URL / footnote?) 

After paste a link, show a button “create a footnote”. 
CMD + V = paste URL 
CMD + Option + V = paste URL as footnote 
CMD + Shift + V = paste without formating 
Version: Charlie 



Automatically format markdowns after curser-focus 

Design like where what you write in markdown becomes formatted when you make a space and start writing on a new non/new markdown object (object = ex. Words/new markdown formats (ex ###) 

Automatic brackets/paranthesis. when enter ( { automatically enter ) } after cursor 

Image embedding 

Drag & drop inside the Editor 

Drag to reshape 
Version: Charlie 


Paragraph relations 


Use case: For meeting-notes. Set agenda first. The discussion around the agenda is written down as Child to each agenda-topic.   

UX: Clicking Tab make the Indent go in (1/10 of screen) and that paragraph become Child. UX: Possibly to view Level 1/2/3 only (select any, minimum one selected) 


Idea: Relations between items, Titles, Paragraphs? 

Ex. in this article would like to have a title between this Title and the Titles “context search” and “Maps UX”?   


Can be between objects, with a small Definition between these – shown as a TheBrain view – with a title, and short description – with easily view the full description in a split-view. Very useful for this type of document.  


UX: TheBrain 50%. Detail-markdown view 50%. Draggable 90/10% both ways. 


? Multiple paragraphs to share hashtags 

  1. Do we need this? Maybe we can force the user to put all content in same paragraph. During search, when user wants more context –
    Options: 1. We allow the user to hashtag a title, and all content below it become stored for that hashtag. 2. We allow user to create relations between paragraphs.
    If 1) in search – can show “hide content from titles”. 1) easier to create tags, but a bit confusing whether to tag title or paragraph 
    2) just need a solution for tagging paragraphs together in a seamless way. Ex. Drag paragraphs as blocks would be a bit hard. Using markdown ex. The empty row has a – to connect them could work. 



Create new Entry with pre-filled template 

Use case: Habit tracking. Daily journals. Meeting-notes 

UX: Button “+” for create, and button “+X” for create with pre-filled template (inspiration: Word/Google docs create from template) 
Content in journaling, both text-based and ranges/questions/checkbox 

Ex. How many gram meat did you eat today? What was the key moments of today? Did you meditate 10 minutes?  

Idea for later: Also possible via voice. The app reads the question and user answers via voice. If the app has low certainty in text-respond, the app ask again, or verifies the answer with the user. 

Demand: 3/10 

Version: Charlie 


Can also leave things empty. 


Ex. Habit tracking 
Had an 8-scale urge to eat junk-food, after having a argue with my boss 
Had an X urge to eat junk-food, #after having 





A label can have sub-labels. However,  


  • Think: how to do with merging ex. Assign, todo with different labels? 
  • Example of labels 


ToDo, assign, question, decision 

Use – @ ? ! to format different content.  

UX so that ?question? and !answer! !do! becomes attractive UX components, ex. color, underline, background-color & new font-color on the formatted content. 


ToDo Today 

Show the ToDo of today and also show: 

  • Above, when user scroll up (above due) (meaning the user land on an anchor of the page, that is /todo#today  
  • Below, show a button “show upcoming ToDo” that loads all ToDo that have dates upcoming, show them in design like Todoist 




Label whole Entries 

A whole entry can get labels 

  • Think: Do we want this? 


Think: Merged labels / Sub-labels  

Think: how to make strength/certainty/doubt in labels? just 1-10? or other thing than labels.. ToDo labels can be urgency/importance. MergeView should be able to easily sort or have visualization (ex. If 2 parameters, show in 4 boards -XY, XY, X-Y, -X-Y) 


Label a title 

All paragraphs under that title get labelled. Good for ex. Mindmap view to only see a title.  

  • Think: Do we want this? 


Paragraph labels 

Set a paragraph before, within, or after a paragraph. Can be used later to see all paragraphs with these labels.  
Use case: when taking a note and have many different topics to take note on simultaneously (ex. after-meeting-notes or evening-journals). 
Market-feature: Unique 
Demand: Very broad use-case. Especially if can be searched afterwards for seeing all paragraphs with a specific keywords and user don’t have to hashtag everything. 
Version: Alpha 


Label synonyms 

Accessed by the user in easy UX – with predefined synonyms. Ex. “AI = artificial intelligence, ML, machine learning” used for when searching.  

S Synonyms can also be multi-lingual, automatically translated via Google Translate if user wants. 


Change name on Label 

Give pop-up, do you want to change Label in all Notes containing this label? 



Outliner (Table of content) 

Navigation pane in sidebar. Like Zoho, Google Docs, Word Windows. 

Demand: Highly requested for ex. Bear & Evernote. Great for longer entries. 


Would be nice to be able to change HeaderType (h1-h6) via Outline, by ex. Pressing Tab or Tab+backward, and it becomes one level less/more, and all Children update too. 
Also nice to drag & drop in Outline and the content of that header changes in the document. 


Outliner hide/show also affect document 

In a long document, should be able to hide, show content based on which titles you want to have open, like Zoho Navigation Bar. If hide things there, they get hidden from documents too (only document with a tab-down button in shown) 


Outliner automatically generated based on markdown headings 

# h1 or ### h3 etc create the Outliner. 
When drag & drop in Outliner, the content re-structures 
The content follows the order in the Outliner, and the user can drag & drop headings, and all content until the next heading will follow.  
UX: Might require a UX that all content under a heading is a specific block.  
Version 2 UX: Also a zoom-out (see 6 pages in 1, ca 20% zoom) and zoom-in again (100% on the new structure) for the user of the action being made. 



Merged View with content from various Entries 

Search + search result functionality 

See all paragraphs with a specific keyword 
Use case: see meeting notes merged from different topics, instead of going back to that specific meeting to see what was decided. 
Use case: decision journal, with context who, when & why each decision was taken 
Use case: can see all ToDo with relation to what concept they come from. Quip offer this in a notification-bar (5/10 ux). OneNote has this in a drop-down sidebar (2/10 ux). We can have links 


Edit from merged view 

Edits to paragraphs made in MergedView updates the Entry from the Source. 


Context during merged view 

+ button to show paragraphs before/after on a Source, within the merged view. Grabs the paragraphs before, and after. Especially useful for Merged ToDo-lists. 




Link to see source from merged view 

Click on a result to see the Source. Link to the row-10. (ex. If entry is on row 300, link to 290). UX with a little icon (ex. Zoom-glass-icon) 

Source can be opened in  

  1. Same window
  2. another window
  3. another tab
  4. As a pop-up


Hide/show content within an Entry 

Hide/show paragraphs with label within a document. Ex. If writing specifications, and have #stack or #risk or #estimation for each item, that content can be hidden to give a smoother view.  
Perhaps labels should be headers in that case?! Its if the paragraph start with such, it becomes a label of type header… (maybe other solution because could also be comment). 


Also, when brainstorming notifications like this. Everything tagged with #version-alpha can easily be shown. 


Merged view not just for labels, but also keywords 

Easy to see all paragraphs with a keyword in one. Not just labels/todo/assigned/questions/decisions etc, but also free-text search keyword. I suppose this feature adds quite a bit pressure on performance. 


MergedView ToDo might have a table-design 



Tags (Filter) 


[ ] Write Memo 

Meeting 2019-02-24, @Erik 

Action points we dec... > 





MergedView Todo drag & drop 

ToDo’s should be support more advanced task manager features like due dates, repeat intervals, etc.  


Should be able to Check if done (easy) 

Think: drag & drop of ToDos.  

Maybe by having a table as above, from Source, Tags etc and user can edit it.  
Or the MergedView shows all Notes that have ToDos in left sidebar (like Todoist projects) and if user drag a note to a Note in the sidebar, it will go to the bottom of that Note. Could also support Outliner of the note – so in the sidebar, user can see all headings of the note – and drag it to the bottom under a heading. 

Concept map 

Map-view (concept/mind-map)  

Essentially a new programming language for storing content, just using <>=!?#/{}()[];§&% etc  
Editor + viewer desktop (50/50 or drag left,right) & responsive (50/50 or drag up/down). 
Editor can be either 1) compact (no row/tab/space between objects) or 2) spacy (ex. JSON look with tab-in for each { and one object per line.  

  1. parent-child view (just < > = or just { } 
  1. mindmaps 
  1. concept maps (parent-child with relation comment) 
  1. concept maps (above + conditions from objects or relation) 

If we have editor: should also be possible to hide/show markdown (code). When hidden, the content will be shown as normal paragraphs. 




Concept maps should be also be able to use labels to make ToDo (like Mindomo), add importance/urgency on ToDos, assign people, add certainty/relevance on claims 


Use case: the user can create high-level and fine-detail maps of topics, based on their knowledge – and get better clarity. make the user more certain of things. It will likely work more mathematically/systematically than the human brain.  


Calculate values across objects 

Use Labels across maps to calculate values to high-level items, to gain mathematical clarity and make decisions. 

Version: Foxdrot 


Conditions can be part of big taxonomies 

Ex. Can have “network effect only apply to large-scale social media” and then “large-scale social media” has a big definition of 1) social media and 2) large-scale social media 


Use case: Summary of Claim in Concept-map 

Write summary of arguments and conclusion (regularly updated). Format so arguments are as Children. 


Think: how to format text when one child has multiple parents?  

Could be ex. Start with parent most to the left in the view 



Constant transcribing (meetings, daily routines, sporadic note-taking) 

Transcribe via constant recording (long recordings made into notes) – preferably real-time.  


Use Otter API or Google/Amazon Transcribe. Important feature is to not pay for silence, so we can request only during voice input (small delay in transcribe). 


Demand: big. All Otter & Trint users can be acquired + huge untouched market for all meetings being taken.  


Save time easily 

In phone app on home screen, or via easy GUI on website/laptop – have a button to click “important note” during a meeting/recording, to later go back and it will have a Mark in timeline. 


UX Idea: Overview of a label  When open a label, there is three sections. 

  1. (If any) related labels (parent, child, sibling or suggestions)
    2. (If any) row with notes with that label (in mobile, is a horizontal slider and desktop is a row with button “show more” which openes 9/16 items, then another “show more centered”) 
  2. (if any) paragraphs tagged with that label.



Support to search for 
Parent with all child-labels 
Multiple labels across different parents 
Label(s) + keyword(s) and negative keyword(s) and contain checkbox/other markdown 


Search history 

In search bar, show history of previous searches like YouTube music. 


Saved searches 

In sidebar, link to saved searches. When opened, it gives an overview of matching Entries (Notes, paragraphs etc). User can have various saved searches for the entry-types most frequently visited. 


More features 

Markdown (show/hide syntax) 

Version: Alpha 


Pin notes 

Sticky to the top 


Link between notes 

When typing ex. !ref a drop-down search shows up with all existing Entries. User can click one and a link is created, shown as the name of that Entry. The URL path is the document-path ex (wn4kegjn-34mnri5) of that entry so if EntryName change link remain. 


Alerts on notes  

Ex. Alert me of this note at 2019-XX-XX 10:37. Send a notification with ring-tone at that time. 


Calendar from notes 

Calendar within notes for all notifications/toDos/plans or objects tagged with a date 


App onboarding 

Have a big button “Setup app” after first visit. ask the user how they intend to use it. Ex. “Project management” “setup all advanced extensions (speed might go down, so we recommend you remove unnecessary extensions later)  


Time-tracking when starting to work on a ToDo, how long it take 

Sync with time-tracking app of the whole operating system where time is spent. Offer ex. Journaling on the items where time been spent  


App: custom-made responisve keyboard  

With ex ! above etc. Inspiration apollo for reddit. 

Version: App 

French version with Numbers and Items next to it. 


Bracket automatically show ending 

When enter a [ also insert the ] automatically. Same with () and {} etc. 


Spreadsheets with horizontal scroll + Different tabs 

Can embed big spreadsheets, and allow users for tabs and scrolling horizontally to see more columns. 


Focus mode like iA writer 

Version: Delta 



Version: Delta 


Password protect specific notes 


Attach images 


Remind user once a week (if adding snippets and not editing) to edit 

If only adding new notes, remind user that “Adding new is good, but sorting will make you feel much more in charge as you clarify your thoughts further” 





Dark mode 

On Web, offer dark-mode. On Mac, offer dark-mode via “system default”. 




Labels can be auto-generated based on keywords existing in content, and added to bottom-row. First we use pre-defined list, and user can edit/add more. Any time they use a #label-keyword that keyword gets added to list. 


UX: Easy to hover/click/double-click to remove/edit label 

UX Idea: Note-tags are shown as separate bar in the notes-section, not in the content. Paragraph-tags are shown under/in/right the paragraph. 

UX Idea: drag & drop labels to paragraphs from sidebar 
UX Idea: Selecting words give up an option-bar with “label words”. 
UX idea: easy to bulk-label paragraphs. Use case: when importing tons of content, ex. Tagging all paragraphs in document, or via search replace, make Labels of everything found, for list of keywords. If makes sense, also advanced search “if contain x,y,z and a,b,c and not d,e,f – tag y” 



Assign different icons (or emojis) to different tags and saved searches 

Like and  


Write mode / Manage mode 

When drag & drop notes, tagging them etc have one more advanced mode. When just wanting to write, have a simple mode. 


In writing mode have: 
1. a typewriter mode that keeps the current line where the cursor is always in the middle of the screen so your eyes are focus on the centre of the screen and don’t have to jump up and down 
2. focus mode that turns down the opacity of all the paragraphs except the one you’re working on. 




Entries & labels 


Each entry, title, paragraph, row is a block. Can tag any block.  

Entry is parent to titles within it, parent to paragraphs within it, parent to rows within it? 


Does that work?!? 


Relations between paragraphs can be done with Blocks.  


Entry = block. 


Several blocks can be bound together and named to a Document 


Label per title, per paragraph, per note. Merged between paragraphs? 

Per title 

Good for note-taking, ex. In different chapters in a book. First set the whole note with tag for a Book-name and then a title with each chapter.  
Will then be easy to add several notes to the book, include quotes or general insights from the book – and all get tagged to that book seamlessly. 


Answer: want entry title, row, paragraph, claim 
Ex. Title#tag 
paragraph tag (also within) 


Sometimes you want to have a title with a tag ex #notes-apps, and then each row you want to tag each row. Ex.  
boostnote #open-source #mac #windows 
standardnotes #open-source #mac 
bear #started 2016# #1.2m UVPM# #freemium# #closed source# 


Folders / tags 

Personal / professional cluster. Possible to merge when want to, and not-merge when dont want to. Sometimes want to label professional things to be stored in the personal one. Sometimes want several professional one. 



Snippets, books? UX? 

The note taking app essentially replaces folders and documents.  

Can be short snippets or long entries (book-long). 

Easy to any-time add new entries 
Merge entries into one, from search. ?fits our entry-vision? 




  • Easy to add completely new (all input in one file?) 
  • Easy to add new to an existing topic/label (hashtag to categorize content) 
  • Easy to see what’s already in an existing topic/label (good navigation) (ex. By writing labels and when clicking “View” it brings up the content (all screen-sizes) 



In a note, you may want to load content from another note. Such as in note with tags #note-app, #version>alpha, #feature>sync. Load all other notes that contain those labels. 


The other notes with such app can come from ex another note named #note-app #ideas with a title #version>alpha and later a sub-title named #features and a ROW/PARAGRAPH? in there named #sync 


Maybe embed content have a background (blue/gray) with a View-icon (angled <> like fullscreen icon) in top-right. 





Whole paragraphs? Yes most likely. 

Tab-in create child. 

Remove tab create same-level 


Sibling?! how 


Think: have comments on notes? how to handle comments? 

Perhaps comment is a sibling to a paragraph. Or could be a note with hashtag #comment, and therefore shown a bit differently (in sidebar, or different in-block design) 



Various outputs 





Parent-relations how do with Labels for ex. MergedView? 



View of entries, sorted and interfact? 
How do we deal with tabs, windows, navigation? 


? ToDo? Checkbox. Search all contain checkbox and keyword.  


Save search-links in sidebar 


Keyboard shortcuts 

  1. Mac Menubar shortcut (3/4 height quick-add notes and 1/4 search notes, edit – if click this becomes 3/4 and quick-add 1/4. Maybe left-column also for browsing)
    ? Time for Todos, ex. 5/15/30/90. How will ToDo be formated? 

Hashtag and h1, both using # – is it fine? 

Look into Bear logics 


Comments within Entries 

Perhaps comment is a sibling to a paragraph. Or could be a note with hashtag #comment, and therefore shown a bit differently (in sidebar, or different in-block design) 


The ideal product-planning app 

Versions, dependencies, estimates. Features that are available open-source, and if so from what program. Comments on every feature. Should be a software that has this. Want to map up this notes-app for the features we have in mind.  


It starts with features? Or it starts with user stories? Or user demands? 





Prefer little-coding, just typing 

The app giving great interfaces to the user altho the user just do normal note-taking is very desirable. 
converting content into Concept maps automatically is very desirable. ot hashtag 


Mindmap users: create maps seamlessly 

Lots of people have used mindmaps, and if we can learn them to use { } or < > = it will be great experience for them to quickly be able to create mindmaps, and have them connected to a whole cluster, easily read as paragraphs, or as mindmap. 



System operability 

  1. Web (desktop & responsive) 
  1. Mac app 
  1. iOS app 
  1. Android app 
  1. Windows app 
  1. Linux app 


No bugs 

No bugs, ex. On Nuclino web-app after entering a numbered-list, its very hard to get back to “normal”. 


Real-time collaborative editing 

Real-time edit online for multi-users, sync across devices 

Demand: large, no good note-taking tool for collaboration. Ex. Bear has big requests for this. 

Version: Bravo 


Private access 

Same encryption as Apple Notes/Bear etc, only accessible through private-key or via Apple Storage. 


Plain text storage 

Use case: For developers, should be able to write ex. Software Documentation in the Content-app and save it as a .txt in a folder where the code-files is stored, and the developer can continue access it from there.  


Basically, we do augmentation of plain text. 


Work for long documents 

Should work for really long documents (500 pages) for book-writers. Database/UX only read what is being currently viewed. Works in Google Docs seamlessly. 


Allow for local storage 

Load .txt, .doc files etc into the notes-app, via folders (DropBox, iCloud, Documents) like iA writer. Also have internal “smart folders” of recent/commonly used. 


Versioning & edit history 

Show whether was edited in MergedView or in SourceView. 

Allow for see old versions easily, and restore old versions. When restore old version, also keep the newer version that got deleted. 


Tweaking typography to ones own preference 

User can choose from 30+ different fonts. 


MergedView would show “show all in standard-font (default) or “use source-font” 

Demand: fairly low – so wait til later versions. 


Export markdown 

H1-H6 becomes #, ## or ######.  
ToDo become [ ] or –  
Assign become @ 
Parent-child become  
Label become # 

Bulk search & replace 

Replace a phrasing in all Entries. Match caps-lock.  
Later versions: search & replace with regular expression. 

Remember user-settings on next visit 

Remember user-settings from last opened application, on ex. Show less/more on sidebar. In essence, return to the user to the same view it had when closing the app last time. 

Requirment specification 

UX specifications are rated 1-10 (demand, estimate + easiness, understandability, design, flexibility, usability). The purpose is to make the sure UX contain all desired functionality. 


More on concept maps 

Use case: Map mental models and apply to ideas  

Apply ex. network-effect, winner-takes-all, feedback-loops to ex. every-day scenarios, business plans 



Claims features   

  • A sentence can be divided to several claims. Possible to read sentence, or see the claims. 
  • Whole paragraphs should also be able to be claims. 
  • Claims are context-dependent on several levels. 
  • Each claim need to be entered (or automatically) which context it can be 
  • Manually (have sub-contexts made of several claims for quicker adding) 
  • Automatically through NLP and human-feedback ML 
  • UX Don’t have to include every context – but rather “show more” or icons” 
  • UX should be able to navigate simply through claims only relevant to the context I am in (advanced by assuming what the click the user means). Ex. Going from a parent to child, should keep the context of that browsing history – rather than prioritising all parents to that child equally – instead prioritise the parent the user recently came from. Also more context-personalisation advanced. 


Should be able to tag items with paragraph. Ex. Tag a paragraph with a paragraph, or at least a short sentence. This automatically creates tags for that “tag-paragraph”, perhaps even nested. 


Collaborating on creation of concept maps 

Concept maps 


  1. Create content (Words + percentages + show-more)
  2. Create design (add images to content, background to map-view, add types of lines)
  3. Govern the design collectively (original designer has more to say.) Changes must make sense to the design in general (maybe based on user reputation).


Use case: multi-layer flowchart 

All elements such as LucidChart. Click on object to go into zoomed-in or other map. Reference & import objects from one map into another, smaller map. Quickcreate mindmaps/flowcharts via shortcodes, ex {family > < -} {relation description “abc“} {relation type =}  .  Auto-create mindmap + text in-one via Narratives (auto-created from objects, or objects auto-generated from a written narrative). 


Great examples of concept maps 


Future versions 

Argumentation features. What content & claims are true 

Automatically generate summary to Parent from arguments from Child. UX with short titles and number-indicators of support for each side 

Comparing models against other models 


Ability to map out product features easily 

See in a mind-map or outline-view all features (with titles) and the tags they have (version, use case, demand, estimate) 


Share Entries/Paragraphs to Twitter/LinkedIn/Facebook/Insta 

Easily share notes to social media. Have one UX for sharing to all platforms, that shows the native-look for all, but all posts gets edited as typing in the Notes-form, and then user can edit single post, ex. Use hashtags in Twitter/Insta but not FB/Linkedin. 


Summarize books in concept-maps 

Easy for people to digest a thinker’s belief system through digital medium. Easy for people to link from Twitter conversations to a persons belief. Ex. Sam Harris belief on how letting go of the notion of free will would change society, in all micro-aspects. Like a Q&A but in a map-form of different topics. 


View concept/mindmap via play-buttons  

Like Mondomo, play 1-16 concepts via click > > > > 16 times. 


For macOS app: Spotlight integration notes indexed 

Easy search notes via Spotlight. Requested feature on other apps. 


Future UX of content clusters 

Output: Cluster-design maybe like snowy-tree’s (circles with circles around them, and when hovering a circle, it focuses and slowly transition to bring related surrounding topics closer 



From LinkedIn, e-mail, slack etc. Store all conversations you had with that person. Send e-mails, messages etc to the person. Like 
Import the contact’s LinkedIn & Facebook profile to see shared connections. Import etc to see job roles. 


Bulk-tag (especially during import) 

Should be able to bulk-tag paragraphs when importing tons of content, ex. Tagging all paragraphs in document, or via advanced search “if contain x,y,z and a,b,c and not d,e,f – tag y” 



Open source  







Used by Bear to build iOS App: 





Have a demo of our Content App of all features we have in mind, the user personas we have etc etc as a whole Product Management. Also have some “private” parts in there, accessed if you verify & sign NDA. 



Free plan (trial) based on usage like and  
For example 1.000 blocks free usage. Thereafter premium. 






Has 225 million users and) valuation of $1.2 billion. 

Launched 2016. Has 6.2m monthly web users. Also 100.000+ Android downloads since August 2018. 

Launched 2016. Has 1.2m monthly web users. 


Project management 


Features missing: MergeView. See all Gantt descriptions, images as a requirement specification document. Also, edits from the MergeView get reflected in Gantt. 
Demand: easy for import. Big time-saver for large editing and brainstorming during call. 
Feature missing: Poduct-management / brainstorming. Preferably Reasoning-based or using Swarm AI for how well each feature fits to different personas/use-cases and using swarm-AI for estimates. 



Can have Gantt and mind map view. However, not customizable columns. And no Kanban. Those combined would be great for project management. Take product mangagement, brainstorming, notes, todo combine with that and KABAAM. 100 million users at $10/month. 




Clearly states User Value for early-adopters on forums, twitter, reddit initially. However, we will move beyond it fairly quickly. 



Don’t like the word block, its negative sound. However, its related to blockchain so people may like it. 


Chain maybe instead. 

Or insight/wisdom/merge. 



Building our app 

Building with open-source 




  1. MergeView: 
    Search tags and show all paragraphs with it 
    Paragraphs = toDo, assigned 
    ?Paragraphs are shown in the normal Editor, with their paragraphs 
    ?Link to original object. 
    ? Have 50/50 view of original object and merge view? Look bad? 
    ToDos can be checked from MergeView 
  1. Card-based UI / Google Keep. See multiple notes same time. 
  1. UX Update a bit, look like Bear. 
  1. Own Users-Database for premium usage (sync etc) 




Notes StandardNotes 

Elektron, Angular, Rails 


Activation code: 






Share revenue to open-source projects we use (StandardNotes ) based on  


  1. our traffic source (SEO/SEM/referral) 
  1. how much of our code is from open-source/own code we have 
  1. if we have profit in the company 
  1. a general view of how the open-source project use the money 


Initially we’ll share 10-20% of our revenue to StandardNotes. 


Minimal Desirable Product 

  1. Stick with normal tag-navigation (family) – do we have a better way? 


Start with open-source 

Start with StandardNotes. Oopsie – doesn’t work because it needs to be tag-in-note, not tag from for-note. Bear got tag-in-note. However, we’d like to auto-generate the tag-for-note based on the content-in-note (+)? support tag- in-note taking. 


Format of entries 

Make one Note for each entry. 



Make an interface to see several notes simultaneously, after each other – and be able to edit them from the Mergeview 


Functionality > Design in first versions 

Still we should have in mind that the functionality should be able to be good-designed in future, so we don’t build functionality we think can never have good design. 



Split up entries with a doubledash to new entries 

Make it easy to create several entries, by splitting up entries with double-dash to several entries.  



Next version 

Bigger coverage for mergeView 

Either keyword search, or bulk search-replace 

Keyword search 

Make search for keywords possible to see merge view, not just tags. 


Bulk search-replace 

Of a hashtag you want to see a mergeview of, make all matches to a hashtag. 


API to Otter 

After managing Otter, import the notes named “done” as entries in notes-app. During managemnt in Otter, the user can add dash to separate entries, add hashtags etc. 


Business decisions 

Build with open-source community 

+ lots of feedback 

+ independent 

-3 uncertanity if can find developers 
-3 competitors can copy 
-3 in future if want to pay salaries to great devs will be harder 
-3 maybe more management of open-source devs 
-3 maybe worse code if open source from various devs 
+4 funnier for the devs if open source 

Build with venture capital 

-3 marketing 
+3 capital for marketing is possible 
+5 higher certainty to pay salaries to devs 


Maybe hard to raise venture capital for a simple software like this? Maybe easy. 

Venture capital and open-source 

The “great features” can be closed-sourced, and rest open-sourced. Not sure if it makes sense although.