October Review is hopefully the last review written in plain blog-text, as the progress of October has been so well, that the design-solutions for next-generation textwell-structured/social/personalized/interactive text is just around the corner.
In the month of November, I’ll work on implementing these designs, and hopefully start collaborating with more people.
Big update of the month, is the comparison shopping engine is officially shut down. It was, and still is, a good business idea – but lack of time & energy hasn’t made it possible for me to build the team necessary to develop the product. When the new blogging format I’m taking of here is published, I will write (in that format) a post-mortemAn article you write when you shut down the business, containing ex. of why the business failed, lessons learned. and release the business ideas for other social entrepreneurs to pick up on.
The new format has come a far away. The goal is to produce arguments-maps, but the same design can be used for lots of other applications, so we’ll see how well the roadmap turns into impactful argument maps.
An example is here:
Earth is not flat
Supporting arguments
Supporting arguments
Supporting arguments
Supporting arguments
Flat Earthers’ are incorrect.
Official death of SEP (Sustainable E-commerce Portal)
Shutting it down now as it hasn’t been able to release. Will focus all energy on the new text-based products.
Digital text, reimagined
How will the design I make turn out to influence the world? How can I navigate so it makes the most impact? Those are the questions I am contemplating. But to even have any effect on the world, things need to be released. And as I am progressing in the creative design-part, I am also finding the business models to make more sense. The initial plan, of setting up a social-blogging platform (Blogging 2.0. Collective intelligence) seems to be the best path forward. It can fuel lots of knowledge sharing, it’s a great step forward from existing Internet platforms, and will likely not make negative impact through others using it in a negative way.

Each day has been different in the month. Very little routine. Been traveling quite a bit. Done meditation not every day, but maybe every second. Aim to get back to every day, as it’s such a great experience being conscious. Had many great conversations. Had many good deep-work sessions.
Month ahead
November will be lots of traveling and deep-work. Should be easy to get back on NoFap. In the deep-work, will focus mainly on new designs – and when medium focus will work on implementing such designs to actual prototypes. Aim to meditate every day in November.
Signing out
Thanks for reading this. I hope it helps you. And, hopefully next month reviews will be in an entirely new, interactive text-format. Best wishes, Erik