Another month in the marathon of building impactful software-products. August has been productive in the creative sphere. I’m tackling the hard problems of how new information-applications can look like. A few examples of implemented text-inventions:
From last month
Open text before and after and definition example text
Open WikiPedia page in sidebar
Expandable sections/tooltips and much more at Valid.News
From August
Scrollable tooltips & open tooltips in sidebar [showhide]
visionMentions 2019-08-28: “Vision is to speed up positive development”
2019-08-27: In this meeting we discussed vision and concluded to build all products according to the set vision.
Mentions 2019-08-28: “Vision is to speed up positive development”
2019-08-27: In this meeting we discussed vision and concluded to build all products according to the set vision.
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is that any tagged text in document can be expanded to see relevant content to it.
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visionMentions 2019-08-28: “Vision is to speed up positive development”
2019-08-27: In this meeting we discussed vision and concluded to build all products according to the set vision.
Mentions 2019-08-28: “Vision is to speed up positive development”
2019-08-27: In this meeting we discussed vision and concluded to build all products according to the set vision.
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is that any tagged text in document can be expanded to see relevant content to it.
Early drafts of global argument graph [showhide]
Claim: Sun rise in the east–
As unspecified: 𝜂89 Quantile 89 based on average votes of all levels of claims | 𝜂72 Necessity to specify: 𝜂98 | 𝜂85
Definition“Sun rises” means “the moment when the upper limb of the Sun appears on the horizon in the morning” as defined at Wikipedia with the definition of sun“Sun” means “the star at the center of the Solar System.” as defined at Wikipedia“The east” = as one of the four cardinal directions or points of the compass as Wikipedia describe. Not to be confused with as Regional area “The east” (usually referenced as Asia)ConditionsLocation & timewithin a (latitude/season) that has sunrise. (Ex. North/South poles doesnt have sunrises in respective summer)In planet Earth, ignoring eventual clouds.
Collaboration Association {CA} is the framework we’re working on to create scalable impact-products that compensate contributors & investors and scale as fast as venture-funded software companies.
As a first real-life example of using the CA, is how we as 3 contributors collaborate on developing the Sustainable Shopping Engine {SESE}. This product is still in its early MVP. I haven’t spent many hours on SESE in August as I focus mostly on the new Content Management System (CMS) that over time can develop into a Argument Graph (AG).
To develop these software products (CA, SSE, CMS, AG) requires some scaling. That is the plan for coming months – as the drafts I’ve been doing past 3 months start to take shape.
I’m starting to find a format of publishing all the work I’m doing public so in case I can’t complete the work, someone else can pick up where I finished and/or get inspired by that work – rather than it “going to waste” in the event I can’t finish the projects I’m working on (CA, SSE, CMS, AG).
Personally, Swedish summer is now over. It passed so quickly. I’ve decided to move on, and explore life in Australia. Going there in mid-September.
Been meditating daily for the whole month. Exercise, eating/sleeping good as well.
Setting a goal for September to have drafts ready for implementation of Content Management System (notes-taking, todo-list, personal wiki, decision making) and publish these in next monthly review.
That app would make all writing (ex. this monthly review) so much easier. All related entries (ex. my daily journals) can be compiled to output-formats (ex. a monthly review), with ability for you as a reader to dive deeper into any project/thought/event that you find here in the text. It’ll enable richer sharing of ideas. It can increase productivity. It can spread information better. It can disprove fake news. It can make great impact.